Friday, November 30, 2012
I'm Ready
"I'm Ready." I could tell by the look in his eye that he meant it. Getting to this point was a lifelong process. In recent years, Dennis had been actively asking his friends more questions and reconciling his life-story with the picture of a loving God. Now, he was ready to accept the Grace that God offers each one of us and the powerful gift of His Spirit. He was ready to be baptized.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
LTC - The Mystery or Prayer 11/30/12
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
A Glimpse of God
I've been looking forward to the new series we began this past weekend entitled "A Glimpse of God" (Click to watch). It really seemed to be a good "next step" after learning to become Contagious Christians, being On Fire for Him. Now, as our new guests start accepting our invitations to Sunday services, they can begin to catch a "glimpse" of what we see and enjoy in our walk together with God.
Whenever we prepare for a new series, I get to catch a "Glimpse of God" working
Whenever we prepare for a new series, I get to catch a "Glimpse of God" working
Ministry Loves Company
I just got done working with Sue Renfro on computer data entry work for Life Bridge. She is entering the Connect Card data into a computer system so we can easily access the follow-up tasks, prayer request, and contact information for people who want to connect.
I explained to her that her data-entry
I explained to her that her data-entry
Monday, November 26, 2012
God Sighting
The main point of this blog is to communicate what we see God doing. So last night after a long month of 500 Turkeys, Thanksgiving, and beginning Children Christmas practice, I had a movie and game night for students at Life Bridge. I know that I had been feeling overwhelmed with activity and thought maybe they were feeling the same, so we just had some down time together. But God was there... and active!
Friday, November 23, 2012
Thanksgiving Reflections
Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. (1Th 5:16-18 NLT)
Do everything you say or do in the name of the Lord Jesus. Always give thanks to God the Father through Christ. (Col 3:17 NIV)
I simply want to share some thoughts... The theme of thankfulness has been one that has been reoccurring throughout the fall. I just though that I would share some things that I see God doing in my own life in regard to being thankful.
Children's Christmas Practices Begin This Weekend!
Mark your calendars! Our Family Christmas program will be Saturday December 22nd at 6pm.
Practice for the Children's piece will begin this Sunday at 2pm. This is a great way to make Christ the center of your family's Christmas. Each Children's practice will involve several aspects of putting the production together... the skit (speaking and non-speaking parts this year!), props, costuming, and crafts!
Practice for the Children's piece will begin this Sunday at 2pm. This is a great way to make Christ the center of your family's Christmas. Each Children's practice will involve several aspects of putting the production together... the skit (speaking and non-speaking parts this year!), props, costuming, and crafts!
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Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Get Connected, Stay Connected
Ever since opening day in the fall of 2003, Life Bridge has been a church that strives to imagine life differently and empower people to walk together with God. Being the church is more about listening to and following God rather than listening to and following a human leader. Pursuing this "decentralized" model has created confusion for more than one person as they've walked in the door for the first time.
Often times, they will ask to speak to "the pastor" so they can be "in the know" about the many happenings that are going on around the church. When they find out that I don't know everything that's going on (it usually takes about 30 seconds), they really don't know what to do. "How can I know what's going on," they wonder. "How can I get and stay connected?"
Often times, they will ask to speak to "the pastor" so they can be "in the know" about the many happenings that are going on around the church. When they find out that I don't know everything that's going on (it usually takes about 30 seconds), they really don't know what to do. "How can I know what's going on," they wonder. "How can I get and stay connected?"
Communicate with God
Communicating with God is foundational to learning how to walk with Him. As with any relationship, communication is key. When we communicate with Him, we learn more about Him and where He's coming from. We also find ourselves seeing the world around us more and more through His eyes. This empowers us to walk with God.
At Life Bridge, several vehicles are available to open communication lines between you and God. They include, but are not limited to, the following.
At Life Bridge, several vehicles are available to open communication lines between you and God. They include, but are not limited to, the following.
Communicate with People
We cannot love our neighbor as ourselves unless we make some kind of connection with our neighbor. Part of our walk together with God is the walk together with one another. Life Bridge provides several venues to help you build that walk together, building up the Body of Christ.
Friday, November 16, 2012
500 Turkeys Update (God - Is that you?)
We are at the end of the task list but the blessings will continue. Thanks to everyone who has participated in 500 Turkeys so far.
Lots happening lately!
Turkeypalooza on Nov 2nd was a huge success raising over $5000. Nov 3rd THOUSANDS of food items came through the church doors that had been collected for months from places all over NWI. About 1000 of each item to feed 500 families. We then had enough to buy the turkeys and fill the boxes.
I'm just in aw of what has happened.
My God shouldn't surprise me anymore but He keeps on doing so.
Funny story though... you see, we planned to feed 500 families but God had other plans. We continued to plan and prep as nominations kept coming in. This year we had a waiting list in case we came up with extra food or meals were left. During this time we were offered a gift of new boxes to pack the food in. They said, we will print 600. "But we don't need 600. We only need 500." They said, well, they will print 600+ anyway. I thought, OK, we will have extra. THEN we made the tickets and ordered 500. They came and were numbered but they stopped at 498. A call was made to the printer and they said, "Sorry. We will send you 100 more." We didn't need 100 more, just 2 more. We only planned to feed 500. They told us that 100 is the amount they were sending. OK, we will have extra.
Soon after that the nominations had reached 600 and the waiting list was closed. Then it HIT ME! 600 boxes, 600 tickets and 600 families with more resources coming in... He was telling us that 600 was the number this year. CLEARLY :-) We dove right in to make the rest of it happen. We had a couple large donations to get the rest of the food. We found a great deal at Target for the other 100 turkeys (2 weeks from Thanksgiving) and we still had funds and support coming in. We thought about what other needs people have so we added some extras... who doesn't need toilet paper? 2 rolls per box! A push for seasonings is adding garlic and cinnamon to each gift. We bought 600 4pks of margarine to add in and TODAY we were gifted 600 pumpkin pies at no cost! Tuesday and Wednesday we had over 150 volunteers and pre-packed 607 meal gifts.
I used to think it was crazy when people said that God spoke to them. He spoke to Adam in the garden, Noah built an Ark, Moses had a conversation with a burning bush and He even spoke through a donkey in Numbers 22:28. Jesus says in John 10:27, NKJV: “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.”
Now I understand. To hear Him is to know Him personally. I knew my moms voice as a child calling me home for dinner. I now hear the Lord speak to me. He calls out to me to come to Him, follow Him and honor Him. Sometimes I have to listen really close and there are times I don't hear him at all. Those are the times He has to teach me HOW to listen.
I'm thankful for those times. I'm THANKFUL for my Father and my family. Just listen and say, "YES."
Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
p.s. Hope to see you for distribution days. Sign up at IT'S NOT TOO LATE to serve.
Lots happening lately!
Turkeypalooza on Nov 2nd was a huge success raising over $5000. Nov 3rd THOUSANDS of food items came through the church doors that had been collected for months from places all over NWI. About 1000 of each item to feed 500 families. We then had enough to buy the turkeys and fill the boxes.
I'm just in aw of what has happened.
My God shouldn't surprise me anymore but He keeps on doing so.
607 Meals boxed! |
Soon after that the nominations had reached 600 and the waiting list was closed. Then it HIT ME! 600 boxes, 600 tickets and 600 families with more resources coming in... He was telling us that 600 was the number this year. CLEARLY :-) We dove right in to make the rest of it happen. We had a couple large donations to get the rest of the food. We found a great deal at Target for the other 100 turkeys (2 weeks from Thanksgiving) and we still had funds and support coming in. We thought about what other needs people have so we added some extras... who doesn't need toilet paper? 2 rolls per box! A push for seasonings is adding garlic and cinnamon to each gift. We bought 600 4pks of margarine to add in and TODAY we were gifted 600 pumpkin pies at no cost! Tuesday and Wednesday we had over 150 volunteers and pre-packed 607 meal gifts.
Valpo Vikettes Serving w/ 500T |
I used to think it was crazy when people said that God spoke to them. He spoke to Adam in the garden, Noah built an Ark, Moses had a conversation with a burning bush and He even spoke through a donkey in Numbers 22:28. Jesus says in John 10:27, NKJV: “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.”
Now I understand. To hear Him is to know Him personally. I knew my moms voice as a child calling me home for dinner. I now hear the Lord speak to me. He calls out to me to come to Him, follow Him and honor Him. Sometimes I have to listen really close and there are times I don't hear him at all. Those are the times He has to teach me HOW to listen.
I'm thankful for those times. I'm THANKFUL for my Father and my family. Just listen and say, "YES."
Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
p.s. Hope to see you for distribution days. Sign up at IT'S NOT TOO LATE to serve.
Family Christmas Program!! Let's Go!
Christmas is right around the corner! For the third year, we would like to do a family program involving as many people who would like to be a part. The program will take place on Saturday, December 22nd, at 6pm for family, friends, and the community to enjoy.
500 Turkeys Wraps Up This Weekend
God has been doing some incredible stuff! This week God has worked through over 150 volunteers to box the Thanksgiving meals, sort clothing, and create Cards for not just 500 families, but over 600 families, all the while having fun together and reflecting on our own thankfulness!
Operation Christmas Child
Operation Christmas Child gives gifts to children around the world, as well as share God's love with them through coloring books and other age appropriate literature. Your participation can make an eternal difference in the life of a child.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
A Day to Pray
At various times throughout the year, we like to remind ourselves of the importance and power of prayer. We know that when we spend time in prayer, we invite God to act. This weekend, we will be inviting God to act once again.
A "Pray Where You Are" prayer vigil will be taking place on from Friday at 10 a.m. until Saturday at 2 p.m. For more than a day, we will be asking God to work in our lives and the lives we will be touching this week. We will be asking Him for:
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Ready to go...

I'm walking around a fairly empty building after all the activity the last two evenings. The energy can still be felt here...
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Friday, November 9, 2012
God Feeds 600 in Porter County!
We are almost there! Food has been coming in all week... not just enough to feed 500 but enough to feed 600!
Not only has God provided the food for that many, but He has also given us over 600 nominated families! I love to see how God works all that... watching the names go on the list and knowing that it exceeds our plans. It is easy to feel overwhelmed by the need, but then God does His part and in the end, working through a community of people and churches, there is enough food for all the families. Praise God!
There is still plenty of opportunity to get involved!
Check out
Not only has God provided the food for that many, but He has also given us over 600 nominated families! I love to see how God works all that... watching the names go on the list and knowing that it exceeds our plans. It is easy to feel overwhelmed by the need, but then God does His part and in the end, working through a community of people and churches, there is enough food for all the families. Praise God!
There is still plenty of opportunity to get involved!
Check out
11/12 - Pre-Boxing Day @ Life Bridge 5:30-8pm
11/13 & 14 -Family Boxing Nights @ Life Bridge 6-8pm
11/17 & 18 - Distribution Days
11/17 & 18 - Distribution Days
To help with the clothing call Traci @ (219)707-0070.
For details on how you can sign up and participate, click here.
Sometimes seeing God in
our lives can be difficult to discern, especially when we are having a tough
week or get bad news, but this week many millions worldwide saw a defeated man
Thursday, November 8, 2012
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Friday, November 2, 2012
Invite a Friend!
Hey everyone!
Remember that this Sunday is invite-a-friend week. Don't forget to come and bring yours!
With the time change this weekend, they even get an extra hour of sleep. ;)
I'm so looking forward to seeing God at work this weekend!
Remember that this Sunday is invite-a-friend week. Don't forget to come and bring yours!
With the time change this weekend, they even get an extra hour of sleep. ;)
I'm so looking forward to seeing God at work this weekend!
500 Turkeys Drop-Off Day & More
Tomorrow, Saturday, November 3rd from 2-6pm is 500 Turkeys Drop-Off!
Food and Clothing have been being collected from all over Porter County and this Saturday, it all comes to Life Bridge! Can goods and food items will be organized and prepared for our boxing nights on Tuesday November 13th and Wednesday November 14th from 6-8pm.
Food and Clothing have been being collected from all over Porter County and this Saturday, it all comes to Life Bridge! Can goods and food items will be organized and prepared for our boxing nights on Tuesday November 13th and Wednesday November 14th from 6-8pm.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Time Changes!
Time Changes!
As a member of the communication team, I’m using this as a
reminder to set your clocks back 1 hour on Saturday night before you go to bed.
It is also a time to not only change the batteries in your smoke detectors, but
to recharge
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