Friday, September 25, 2015
The "E" Word
What do you think when I say the word, "Evangelism?" Maybe you think about a street-corner preacher, holding up his Bible and telling you that the end is near. Perhaps you think about a good old-fashioned revival where the preacher stands on the back of horse-drawn carriage or in a barn with sawdust on the ground. You could think of big-name preachers, like Billy Graham, who would preach using every piece of technology possible, followed by thousands of people coming forward to be saved. Whatever your picture of evangelism, it probably stirs up thoughts, both good and bad, about God and His Church.
God works in ways that we often can't imagine. Events such as Operation Christmas Child's Rummage "No Sale" and Turkey Bunco provide people an opportunity to participate in different ways - from providing items, organizing, playing games, baking, and more. The result is many people participating in God's work. Simply reading the updates would make one think we are talking about a hundred or so people being impacted... The reality is that there were a couple hundred this weekend as people donated items and merchandise, came to rummage", and more. That number will grow into thousands as people receive meals, shoe boxes, items donated to Bethesda Resale after the OCC event, and much more. God is at work physically meeting needs, emotionally providing comfort and companionship through relationships, and spiritually in providing purpose and teamwork in something bigger than ourselves.
Go into all the world and make disciples... Continue to pray for the ongoing impact of these and other ministries as they progress to their end. Go team! Go God!
Friday, September 18, 2015
Rummage "No Sale" Happens Tomorrow!
It's time! Time to drop off and time to Rummage!
The Operation Christmas Child Rummage "No Sale" September 19th 8am-1pm
Items and individually wrapped baked goods can be dropped off today, Friday, after 6pm.

How can you help?
Two Great Upcoming Events!
2 Great Upcoming Events!
An evening of much fun and talent!
Plan how you want to participate. Let's create a wonderful time for all to enjoy!
Watch for further details...
Sunday Sit and Savor Lunch will start on October 4, AFTER second service. It is open for all to pray, provide and participate! This month’s theme will be :
this is a potluck, so everyone can bring a dish to share! If you don’t cook, no worries, you can always bring plates or drinks! Sit a spell and savor God’s word, make new friends, or reconnect with old friends! Sign up in the cafĂ© TODAY!
Financial Peace University
Financial Peace University
Life Bridge Christian Church
September 27-November 22
We all need a plan for our money. Financial Peace University (FPU) is that plan! It teaches God's ways of handling money. Through video teaching, class discussions and interactive small group activities, FPU presents biblical, practical steps to get from where you are to where you've dreamed you could be. This plan will show you how to get rid of debt, manage your money, spend and save wisely, and much more!
Cookie Time for Kairos!
Cookie Time!
Kairos Prison Ministry's Fall Outreaches will be taking place in October and November for Indiana State Prison and Westville Correctional respectively. Here are just a couple ways you can support Kairos' efforts:- Sign up online for a time slot in the prayer vigil for Indiana State Prison October 8-11, 2015 and/or Westville Correctional Center November 5-8, 2015.
- Bake cookies and freeze them. (each weekend service to a prison requires 3500-5000 DOZEN cookies! Special recipe required.)
Ongoing Events
- Ministry Mondays 6:30-8pm meets to be purposeful in developing our serving skills and to coordinate ministry efforts. All are welcome.
- IV (Intentional Valparaiso) is a small group for post-High School and young adults from all over Northwest Indiana. They meet at Life Bridge on Mondays from 8:30pm-10ish.
- Toolbox Ministries meets on Mondays 4-8pm. Contact Tim Qualkenbush @ (219) 928-8326 with questions.
- Tuesday Morning Bible Study 10am.
- Tuesday Midweek Bible Study Potluck Dinner at 6:30 followed by studies for children, students, and adults! Current study: "Exercising Will."
- Faith-Based Cancer Support Group meets 2nd & 4th Wednesdays at Life Bridge 6:30-8pm
- Worship Arts Bible Study and Band Practice Thursdays 6:30-9pm
- Women's Bible Study Thursdays 6:30-7:30pm.
- Men's Shelter Service Opportunity 8pm-7am (Shifts & Breakfast)
- Operation Christmas Child is collecting personal items such as combs, brushes, hair accessories, socks, t-shirts, flip flops, hats, sunglasses, etc. . Drop off donations in the bin at the Ministry Counter.
- Winter Coat Drive. We continue to collect winter coats, gloves, scarves, hat, and boots for all ages. Drop them off in the Cafe!
- Rummage "No Sale" - Gathering donated items to use for the "sale." DONATIONS CAN BE DROPPED OFF TODAY! All donations benefit Operation Christmas Child and will be used for shipping and shoebox supplies.

Friday, September 11, 2015
Wisdom Glasses
My recent birthday, and all the encouraging well-wishes, just served to remind me that I am another year older. It was during this past year that I gave in to the changes in my eyesight and finally got reading glasses, which I've dubbed as "wisdom glasses." To top it all off, as I was getting ready for my day this morning, I noticed how pronounced the grey has become in the hairs on my temple. (I'm going to say it makes me look "distinguished.")
Almost Time to Drop Off OCC Donations for "No Sale!"
It's almost time!
The Operation Christmas Child Rummage "No Sale" September 19th 8am-1pm
Items can be brought to Life Bridge beginning September 14. The building is open Monday - Thursday 10am-8pm, Fridays until between noon and 2pm.
This is a rummage sale for our community, but different. There will be no prices on anything. It will all be by donation and all proceeds will benefit Operation Christmas Child. Part of the fun of this event is that it also educates the community about OCC and their mission to make a difference for Christ in the lives of children around the world.
How can you help?
Turkey Bunco Coming September 21st!

Turkeys Bunco
Monday, September 21st, 2015 @ 6pm
Life Bridge Christian Church
Please join us for the 7th Annual Bunco Bash Benefit for 500 Turkeys!
Doors open & Silent Auction starts at 6:00pm
Bunco play begins at 6:30pm.
Tickets are going quick! Tickets can be purchased through the Eventbrite site>> Online Turkey Bunco Tickets or ask at the welcome center to make a connection. Cost: $10 + online transaction fee.
Register Today for Financial Peace University Beginning Sept. 27!
Financial Peace University
Life Bridge Christian Church
September 27-November 22
We all need a plan for our money. Financial Peace University (FPU) is that plan! It teaches God's ways of handling money. Through video teaching, class discussions and interactive small group activities, FPU presents biblical, practical steps to get from where you are to where you've dreamed you could be. This plan will show you how to get rid of debt, manage your money, spend and save wisely, and much more!
Kairos Prison Ministry's Fall Outreach

Kairos Prison Ministry's Fall Outreaches will be taking place in October and November for Indiana State Prison and Westville Correctional respectively. Here are just a couple ways you can support Kairos' efforts:
- Sign up online for a time slot in the prayer vigil for Indiana State Prison October 8-11, 2015 and/or Westville Correctional Center November 5-8, 2015.
- Bake cookies and freeze them. (each weekend service to a prison requires 3500-5000 DOZEN cookies! Special recipe required.)
Ongoing Events
- Ministry Mondays 6:30-8pm meets to be purposeful in developing our serving skills and to coordinate ministry efforts. All are welcome.
- IV (Intentional Valparaiso) is a small group for post-High School and young adults from all over Northwest Indiana. They meet at Life Bridge on Mondays from 8:30pm-10ish.
- Toolbox Ministries meets on Mondays 4-8pm. Contact Tim Qualkenbush @ (219) 928-8326 with questions.
- Tuesday Morning Bible Study 10am.
- Tuesday Midweek Bible Study Potluck Dinner at 6:30 followed by studies for children, students, and adults! Current study: "Exercising Will."
- Faith-Based Cancer Support Group meets 2nd & 4th Wednesdays at Life Bridge 6:30-8pm
- Worship Arts Bible Study and Band Practice Thursdays 6:30-9pm
- Women's Bible Study Thursdays 6:30-7:30pm.
- Men's Shelter Service Opportunity 8pm-7am (Shifts & Breakfast)
- Operation Christmas Child is collecting personal items such as combs, brushes, hair accessories, socks, t-shirts, flip flops, hats, sunglasses, etc. . Drop off donations in the bin at the Ministry Counter.
- Winter Coat Drive. We continue to collect winter coats, gloves, scarves, hat, and boots for all ages. Drop them off in the Cafe!
- Rummage "No Sale" - Gathering donated items to use for the "sale." DONATIONS CAN BE DROPPED OFF THE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 13TH! All donations benefit Operation Christmas Child and will be used for shipping and shoebox supplies.

Friday, September 4, 2015
Fall Cleaning
This morning I am moving furniture around at home. We're in sort of a "fall cleaning" mode right now. It was initiated because of all the building changes that are taking place at Life Bridge and spurred on by Amanda going back to school and my mom coming to visit. So, I am moving furniture, because the carpets are only half clean and the carpet cleaning rental needs to be returned by 3:00 this afternoon.
While we are going through this process of moving furniture, dusting, vacuuming, and carpet cleaning, I find myself thinking about the last couple years...
While we are going through this process of moving furniture, dusting, vacuuming, and carpet cleaning, I find myself thinking about the last couple years...

How do the homeless accomplish practical things like washing their clothes?
New Creation offers homeless men a safe place during the day, employment assistance, social services, and practical help. You have helped meet this practical need of clean laundry by providing 50 laundry soaps. New Creation was overwhelmed by the support and generosity. Thanks for allowing God's love and care flow through you!Grillin N Chillin
Despite a very rainy morning, the afternoon was beautiful, the food was excellent, and fun was had by all! God worked in real ways to reach out and touch lives through music, games, and more.OCC Rummage "No Sale"

It's happening again! What you ask?
The Operation Christmas Child Rummage "No Sale" September 19th 8am-1pm
This is a rummage sale for our community, but different. There will be no prices on anything. It will all be by donation and all proceeds will benefit Operation Christmas Child. Part of the fun of this event is that it also educates the community about OCC and their mission to make a difference for Christ in the lives of children around the world.How can you help?
Popcorn Festival - Praise Days
Praise Days
September 12th 4-8pm
Indiana Street near Franklin House
Did you enjoy Turkeypalooza's Faith Stage?
Christian Music? Local Performers?
Come on down and enjoy the music!
500 Turkeys Upcoming Events
Painting in the Park
Haven Hollow Park
330 W 700 N
Valparaiso, IN 46385
September 13 4-6pm
Join us September 13th as we host a Painting in the Park event to benefit 500 Turkeys.A kid focused event 6yrs and over. Adults are encouraged to join in the fun with your child.
500 Turkeys Mission: Raise enough food and funds to feed 1000 families for Thanksgiving and positively touch as many lives as possible by showing Christ in action.
Register Online:
Tickets are $22 and include all supplies and a snack.
Online ticket available here.
Turkeys Bunco
Monday, September 21st, 2015 @ 6pm
Life Bridge Christian Church
Financial Peace University this Fall!
Financial Peace University
Life Bridge Christian Church
September 27-November 22
We all need a plan for our money. Financial Peace University (FPU) is that plan! It teaches God's ways of handling money. Through video teaching, class discussions and interactive small group activities, FPU presents biblical, practical steps to get from where you are to where you've dreamed you could be. This plan will show you how to get rid of debt, manage your money, spend and save wisely, and much more!
Now is the time, this is the place and now you'll have the tools. We look forward to sharing the journey with you.
Class materials available at the church for $100 - 1 kit per family participating.
Questions? Please contact Anna Sheets ( or Teresa Cervik ( or call 219-531-7777 x 16.
Now is the time, this is the place and now you'll have the tools. We look forward to sharing the journey with you.
Class materials available at the church for $100 - 1 kit per family participating.
Questions? Please contact Anna Sheets ( or Teresa Cervik ( or call 219-531-7777 x 16.
Ongoing Events
- Ministry Mondays 6:30-8pm meets to be purposeful in developing our serving skills and to coordinate ministry efforts. All are welcome.
- IV (Intentional Valparaiso) is a small group for post-High School and young adults from all over Northwest Indiana. They meet at Life Bridge on Mondays from 8:30pm-10ish.
- Toolbox Ministries meets on Mondays 4-8pm. Contact Tim Qualkenbush @ (219) 928-8326 with questions. NO WORK 9/7!
- Tuesday Morning Bible Study 10am.
- Tuesday Midweek Bible Study Potluck Dinner at 6:30 followed by studies for children, students, and adults! Current study: "Exercising Will."
- Faith-Based Cancer Support Group meets 2nd & 4th Wednesdays at Life Bridge 6:30-8pm
- Worship Arts Bible Study and Band Practice Thursdays 6:30-9pm
- Women's Bible Study Thursdays 6:30-7:30pm.
- Men's Shelter Service Opportunity 8pm-7am (Shifts & Breakfast)
- Operation Christmas Child is collect School Supplies. Drop off donations in the bin at the Ministry Counter.
- Winter Coat Drive. We continue to collect winter coats, gloves, scarves, hat, and boots for all ages. Drop them off in the Cafe!
- Rummage "No Sale" - Gathering donated items to use for the "sale." All donations benefit Operation Christmas Child and will be used for shipping and shoebox supplies.
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