I’m feeling a very real sense of peace again. I’ve been asking God, “Why?” I know, it seems strange to be asking God that question, when experiencing something like peace. Shouldn’t I just accept it and thank God for it? Well, I have and I did. But then I followed up with my question.
Friday, October 30, 2015
The Gift of Giving This Halloween!
OCC Craft & Work Night
TONIGHT! Friday, October 30thThe Gift of Giving This Halloween! 
Attention everyone! Like to make things or assemble things?This family friendly night is for you!
Kids (and adults!) are welcome to wear costumes. While there will be special treats for all, this evening is about giving to kids (and through them, to families) around the world.
Invite family and friends to join in the fun and to be a part of making a difference!
Activities will range from making simple crafts (stress balls and tops) and assembling coloring books to writing notes to recipients for Operation Christmas Child boxes.
Next upcoming OCC Event:
OCC Shoebox Packing on November 11th 6:30-8:00
THIS SUNDAY! Sit and Savor Luncheon November 1st!
A Time of Prayer and Worship
International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church
Sunday November 1st
Come... Worship... Learn... and Pray...Be Inspired…Leave boldly walking with God and celebrating the BIG God we serve!
Do you remember what I told you? 'A slave is not greater than the master.' Since they persecuted Me, naturally they will persecute you. And if they had listened to Me, they would listen to you. (John 15:20 NLT)
Kairos Jesus Cookie Pick Up Wednesday, November 4th

Cookies will be picked up Wednesday Nov. 4th!
Kairos Prison Ministry's Fall Outreaches will be taking place in just a couple of weeks for the Westville Correctional. Here are just a couple ways you can support Kairos' efforts:- Sign up online for a time slot in the prayer vigil for Westville Correctional Center November 5-8, 2015.
- Bake cookies and freeze them. Premeasured flour bags are available at the Ministry Counter while supplies last. (Each weekend service to a prison requires 3500-5000 DOZEN cookies! Special recipe required.)
Kairos Cookie Preparation
Since the cookies will be taken into a prison, there are some very rigid requirements that must be followed. Every cookie is inspected before it is allowed in the facility, and any that are over sized, broken, or stuck together must be removed. These instructions for Kairos cookies are very important!
The No-No's for Kairos Cookie Preparation:
Do Not add icing, powdered sugar or any other topping or coating on the outside.

Do Not use pre-made, dry, refrigerated or frozen cookie dough. The impact of agape love felt from homemade cookies is overwhelming when the inmates realize the sacrifice of time in mixing and baking cookies from scratch.
Do Not use butter or margarine. The ones made with butter break easily.
Do Not bring bought or no-bake cookies. Do Not use raisins or nuts.
The size should be 2" diameter or the lid of a Pringles canister.
PLEASE BAKE ONLY CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES USING THE RECIPE BELOW! (and this recipe will help prevent breakage of the cookies)
Cool! Cool! Cool ... each cookie thoroughly. Chocolate chip cookies tkae a long time to cool completely.
Bag thoroughly cooled cookies in a sandwich sized, press zip type bag. (NO bags with tab sliders) FYI - when you bag the cookies please put them standing on end (like coins in a toll or lifesavers). This makes for easier packing and transporting.
6 Cookies per bag and freeze them.
Jesus Cookies (Basic Cookie Dough Recipe - Makes 5 dozen)
1 cup Crisco
1 cup granulated sugar
2 tsp vanilla
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
1 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
2 3/4 cups flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 1/2 cups chocolate chips
Cream shortening and sugar until fluffy. add eggs one at a time. Sift dry ingredients and add to creamed mixture. Beat in vanilla. Add chocolate chips. Drop onto cookie sheets by spoonfuls. Bake at 325 degrees until medium to dark brown (From 13-20 minutes). Cookies should be 2 - 2 1/2 inches in diameter (Size of a Pringles lid).
The Key Ingredient: Prayer. Pray individually or as a family over the ingredients before and during mixing. Pray over the cookies as you drop them onto the cookie sheets and bake the, Ask God to use your cookies as a source of His love to shine on the prosoners and staff on the Kairos weekend. Pray that each cookie brings the inmate, officer, or warden who eats it closer to God. We want every person to become part of the family of God.
Fall Work Day
500 Turkeys
This weekend is your last chance to drop off carrots!Nominations:
While all 1000 meals have been claimed, there is still opportunity to get on the waiting list. Many families on the waiting list receive meals. 500turkeys.com/nominations2015.Other opportunities to participate with 500 Turkeys:
There are many opportunities to participate in making the mission of 500 Turkeys successful:- Food Drop Off (Nov 7th) Valparaiso Nazarene Church (Click to sign up)
- Boxing Nights (November 16 & 17) Valparaiso Nazarene (Click to Sign Up)
- Distribution Days November 21 & 22
Ongoing Events
- Ministry Mondays 6:30-8pm meets to be purposeful in developing our serving skills and to coordinate ministry efforts. All are welcome.
- IV (Intentional Valparaiso) is a small group for post-High School and young adults from all over Northwest Indiana. They meet at Life Bridge on Mondays from 8:30pm-10ish.
- Tuesday Midweek Bible Study Potluck Dinner at 6:30 followed by studies for children, students, and adults! Current study: "Imagine" Deeper
- Faith-Based Cancer Support Group meets 2nd & 4th Wednesdays at Life Bridge 6:30-8pm
- Questions? Bible Study 7pm Bring your questions about God and Faith as you study 1 Thessalonians.
- Worship Arts Bible Study and Band Practice Thursdays 6:30-9pm
- Operation Christmas Child is collecting individually wrapped hard candy. Drop off donations in the bin at the Ministry Counter.
- Winter Coat Drive. We continue to collect winter coats, gloves, scarves, hat, and boots for all ages. Drop them off in the Cafe!
Friday, October 23, 2015
Chili, Papers, and Plans
I’m watching Traci mix up a batch of Cincinnati-style chili. (It’s her own homemade recipe.) This is kind of a pattern in our household. We make a batch of something kind of big and then eat off of it throughout the week. This week, it’s Cincinnati-style chili. Mmmmmmmm. I love it.
Gobble Up Hunger Food Drive October 24th
Tomorrow is the 500 Turkeys Food Drive at Town & Country!
This is much like Feed the Need only it benefits 500 Turkeys instead of the NWI Food Bank. We invite the community to join us in providing items to fill the boxes as they shop. If you are more of a “behind the scenes” person, then there are opportunities to help organize and sort items in the truck as they come in. Truly there is something for everyone!Sign up here to participate: Gobble Up Hunger Food Drive (Oct. 24th) outside Valparaiso Town & Country (Click to sign up)
Laundry Time for the Men's Shelter

While we communicated it was Laundry Time last week, we forgot to prep it! But this week we will truly have bags of laundry available downstairs in the children’s area for pick up. This is our last opportunity this year to serve in this way. Your participation is a blessing to all!
It has been an awesome year with the Men’s Shelter, and we continue to pray for God’s continued work through our brothers and sisters at other churches. Thanks for letting God work through you in this ministry.
Sit and Savor Luncheon November 1st!
Something is always cooking at Life Bridge! Join us for a Sit and Savor Lunch! November 1 for a Salad Bar! Feel free to bring a dish such as these (or cooks choice!)
· Salad toppings / dressing
· Fruit salad
· Any kind of pasta salad
· Coleslaw
Sign up in the Café this weekend! This is a great way to enjoy time with one another and create a welcoming environment for all!
Kairos Jesus Cookie Pick Up Wednesday, November 3rd

Cookies will be picked up Wednesday Nov. 3rd!
Kairos Prison Ministry's Fall Outreaches will be taking place in just a couple of weeks for the Westville Correctional. Here are just a couple ways you can support Kairos' efforts:- Sign up online for a time slot in the prayer vigil for Westville Correctional Center November 5-8, 2015.
- Bake cookies and freeze them. Premeasured flour bags are available at the Ministry Counter while supplies last. (Each weekend service to a prison requires 3500-5000 DOZEN cookies! Special recipe required.)

Kairos Cookie Preparation
Since the cookies will be taken into a prison, there are some very rigid requirements that must be followed. Every cookie is inspected before it is allowed in the facility, and any that are over sized, broken, or stuck together must be removed. These instructions for Kairos cookies are very important!
The No-No's for Kairos Cookie Preparation:
Do Not add icing, powdered sugar or any other topping or coating on the outside.
Do Not use pre-made, dry, refrigerated or frozen cookie dough. The impact of agape love felt from homemade cookies is overwhelming when the inmates realize the sacrifice of time in mixing and baking cookies from scratch.
Do Not use butter or margarine. The ones made with butter break easily.
Do Not bring bought or no-bake cookies. Do Not use raisins or nuts.
The size should be 2" diameter or the lid of a Pringles canister.
PLEASE BAKE ONLY CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES USING THE RECIPE BELOW! (and this recipe will help prevent breakage of the cookies)
Cool! Cool! Cool ... each cookie thoroughly. Chocolate chip cookies tkae a long time to cool completely.
Bag thoroughly cooled cookies in a sandwich sized, press zip type bag. (NO bags with tab sliders) FYI - when you bag the cookies please put them standing on end (like coins in a toll or lifesavers). This makes for easier packing and transporting.
6 Cookies per bag and freeze them.
Jesus Cookies (Basic Cookie Dough Recipe - Makes 5 dozen)
1 cup Crisco
1 cup granulated sugar
2 tsp vanilla
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
1 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
2 3/4 cups flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 1/2 cups chocolate chips
Cream shortening and sugar until fluffy. add eggs one at a time. Sift dry ingredients and add to creamed mixture. Beat in vanilla. Add chocolate chips. Drop onto cookie sheets by spoonfuls. Bake at 325 degrees until medium to dark brown (From 13-20 minutes). Cookies should be 2 - 2 1/2 inches in diameter (Size of a Pringles lid).
The Key Ingredient: Prayer. Pray individually or as a family over the ingredients before and during mixing. Pray over the cookies as you drop them onto the cookie sheets and bake the, Ask God to use your cookies as a source of His love to shine on the prosoners and staff on the Kairos weekend. Pray that each cookie brings the inmate, officer, or warden who eats it closer to God. We want every person to become part of the family of God.
Winter Coat Drive
Ongoing Events
- Ministry Mondays 6:30-8pm meets to be purposeful in developing our serving skills and to coordinate ministry efforts. All are welcome.
- IV (Intentional Valparaiso) is a small group for post-High School and young adults from all over Northwest Indiana. They meet at Life Bridge on Mondays from 8:30pm-10ish.
- Tuesday Midweek Bible Study Potluck Dinner at 6:30 followed by studies for children, students, and adults! Current study: "Imagine" Deeper
- Faith-Based Cancer Support Group meets 2nd & 4th Wednesdays at Life Bridge 6:30-8pm
- Questions? Bible Study 7pm Bring your questions about God and Faith as you study 1 Thessalonians.
- Worship Arts Bible Study and Band Practice Thursdays 6:30-9pm
- Women's Bible Study Thursdays 6:30-7:30pm.
- Men's Shelter Service Opportunity 8pm-7am (Shifts & Breakfast)
- Operation Christmas Child is collecting individually wrapped hard candy. Drop off donations in the bin at the Ministry Counter.
- Winter Coat Drive. We continue to collect winter coats, gloves, scarves, hat, and boots for all ages. Drop them off in the Cafe!
Friday, October 16, 2015
Members and Microchips
Yesterday I got to participate in the celebration Taco Dinner held by the Life Bridge Men's Homeless Shelter Team. Many of the guys were there to enjoy one last meal together before they start staying at a different for the winter session. The food was great and so was the company. I enjoy watching and participating in conversations with the guys.
Two of the conversations led to a question about membership at Life Bridge.
Celebrating God's Work
It has been a great six months of having the men stay with us. Relationships have been built, trust has been gained, and God's love has been shared.
This past Thursday we had a Taco dinner for the men and many of us who have participated in the shelter one way or another. About a dozen men came even though they would not be staying at Life Bridge that night, and about another dozen who have connected and created a welcoming environment.
I especially loved hearing several men say, "See you on Sunday!" or ask if they can still come by Life Bridge.
Student Lunch & Fun

Student Fun & Games
Sunday, October 18th
Student Ministry is doing something different this weekend!
Welcoming all Jr. High, High School, and even College students!
- Lunch following 2nd Service
- Games of all kinds
Munchies and soft drinks are appreciated, but not required.
As always friends are welcome.
Laundry Time for the Men's Shelter
One of the great things about this ministry is that there is something for everyone! We have men who host throughout the night (sign up at the Ministry Counter to Host a time period), others who do set up and greeting, and still others who cook and serve breakfast (also sign up at the Ministry Counter to participate)!
Another way to participate is to help with laundry. I had a conversation at one point with one of our homeless men who shared how much he appreciated the clean laundry. This is a way to care for them, meet needs, and help them to maintain their dignity.
So now is the opportunity to meet a need and give the gift of the simple dignity of clean linens! Simply pick up a bag or two at the bottom of the steps, wash the linens, and return them to Life Bridge by Thursday evening.
Another way to participate is to help with laundry. I had a conversation at one point with one of our homeless men who shared how much he appreciated the clean laundry. This is a way to care for them, meet needs, and help them to maintain their dignity.
So now is the opportunity to meet a need and give the gift of the simple dignity of clean linens! Simply pick up a bag or two at the bottom of the steps, wash the linens, and return them to Life Bridge by Thursday evening.
Gobble Up Hunger Food Drive October 24th
Nominations for the 1000 Turkey dinners, complete with all the trimmings, are available online. If you or someone you know is in need and would be blessed by a meal, simply sign up at this link: 500turkeys.com/nominations2015Providing:
Life Bridge is continuing to collect canned carrots. Simply drop them off at the Ministry Counter.Participating:
There are many opportunities to participate in making the mission of 500 Turkeys successful:- Gobble Up Hunger Food Drive (Oct. 24th) outside Valparaiso Town & Country (Click to sign up)
- Food Drop Off (Nov 7th) Valparaiso Nazarene Church (Click to sign up)
- Boxing Nights (November 16 & 17) Valparaiso Nazarene (Click to Sign Up)
The Gift of Giving This Halloween!
Friday, October 30th
Attention everyone! Like to make things or assemble things?This family friendly night is for you!
Kids (and adults!) are welcome to wear costumes. While there is likely to be special treats for all, this evening is about giving to kids (and through them, to families) around the world.
Invite family and friends to join in the fun and to be a part of making a difference!
Activities will range from making simple crafts and assembling notebooks to writing notes to recipients for Operation Christmas Child boxes.
Mark your calendar now for OCC Shoebox Packing on November 11th 6:30-8:00
A Time of Prayer and Worship
International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church
Sunday November 1st, 6:30-8PM
Come... Worship... Learn... and Pray...Leave boldly walking with God...
Do you remember what I told you? 'A slave is not greater than the master.' Since they persecuted Me, naturally they will persecute you. And if they had listened to Me, they would listen to you. (John 15:20 NLT)
Ongoing Events
- Ministry Mondays 6:30-8pm meets to be purposeful in developing our serving skills and to coordinate ministry efforts. All are welcome.
- IV (Intentional Valparaiso) is a small group for post-High School and young adults from all over Northwest Indiana. They meet at Life Bridge on Mondays from 8:30pm-10ish.
- Tuesday Midweek Bible Study Potluck Dinner at 6:30 followed by studies for children, students, and adults! Current study: "Exercising Will."
- Faith-Based Cancer Support Group meets 2nd & 4th Wednesdays at Life Bridge 6:30-8pm
- Questions? Bible Study 7pm Bring your questions about God and Faith as you study 1 Thessalonians.
- Worship Arts Bible Study and Band Practice Thursdays 6:30-9pm
- Women's Bible Study Thursdays 6:30-7:30pm.
- Men's Shelter Service Opportunity 8pm-7am (Shifts & Breakfast)
- Operation Christmas Child is collecting individually wrapped hard candy. Drop off donations in the bin at the Ministry Counter.
- Winter Coat Drive. We continue to collect winter coats, gloves, scarves, hat, and boots for all ages. Drop them off in the Cafe!
Friday, October 9, 2015
Let Them Grow
This week, I said goodbye to a mentor, coach, and friend. Bob Sloniger went home to be with the Lord early in the week. Bob was the man who called me to this ministry at Life Bridge, led me through the startup, and continued working with me for many years. I wanted to thank all of you who have been praying and sending me messages throughout the week. I and their family are grateful for your prayers and support.
When I went to the funeral, I got to hear from Bob's son, another preacher/teacher, who shared from his heart about "dad." "He loved us each individually," he said about all of Bob's children, "the way each one of us needed to be loved. He taught us how do do everything, too...except how to live without him." I was touched by the son's love for his father. Once again, I saw evidence of Bob being a man of God.
Among many other things, I began thinking about my relationship with my own children. I thought about how different each of the three are as well. I thought about how much I love them and how I try to love them each individually, too. I started thinking about whether or not they knew it. Then I started thinking about the week.
When I went to the funeral, I got to hear from Bob's son, another preacher/teacher, who shared from his heart about "dad." "He loved us each individually," he said about all of Bob's children, "the way each one of us needed to be loved. He taught us how do do everything, too...except how to live without him." I was touched by the son's love for his father. Once again, I saw evidence of Bob being a man of God.
Among many other things, I began thinking about my relationship with my own children. I thought about how different each of the three are as well. I thought about how much I love them and how I try to love them each individually, too. I started thinking about whether or not they knew it. Then I started thinking about the week.
Life Bridge In Concert is THIS SATURDAY!
Life Bridge In Concert
Saturday, October 10th, 2015
Concert begins at 6:30pm
In Concert is a collection of artistic talent ranging from music and drama to dance and comedy ... It is an opportunity to use the gifts that you have been given to entertain and to build community to the glory of God.It is a great event for inviting friends and family. Light snacks will be available. Plan now to make this a part of your weekend!
Pray for Kairos at Indiana State Prison This Weekend
Time to Pray!
Cookies have been baked... Preparations made... Now is the time to pray. Kairos Prison Ministry's Fall Outreach to Indiana State Prison is taking place this weekend. Please be in prayer for those working with the prisoners. Pray for their hearts to be softened and open to hearing God's Good News!- Sign up online for a time slot in the prayer vigil Westville Correctional Center November 5-8, 2015.
- Bake cookies and freeze them. recipes are available at the Ministry Counter.
Celebrating Sit and Savor Lunch Launch!
Celebrating our Sit and Savor Lunch!
Out Fall Fest Sit and Savor Luncheon was a huge success! Great food and great family! Thanks to all who provided, invited, and served.It is always a blessing to watch as people enjoy a conversation, meet one another, and simply enjoy a time of encouragement and food.
Our Next Sit and Savor will be Sunday November 1st. Watch for details!
Friday, October 2, 2015
Do you have a God sighting?
"Are you going to write a God sighting today?" That was the question Traci (my wife) asked me this morning. I chuckled. I wasn't exactly feeling like it today. Traci knew it.
It's not that I don't like sharing perspectives of God at work. I love seeing God at work and sharing it with others. This week, though, I felt the weight of the culmination of months of hits against me, my family, Life Bridge, and our community.
It's not that I don't like sharing perspectives of God at work. I love seeing God at work and sharing it with others. This week, though, I felt the weight of the culmination of months of hits against me, my family, Life Bridge, and our community.
Kairos Jesus Cookie Pick Up Wednesday, October 7th
Cookies will be picked up Wednesday!
Kairos Prison Ministry's Fall Outreaches will be taking place in October and November for Indiana State Prison and Westville Correctional respectively. Here are just a couple ways you can support Kairos' efforts:- Sign up online for a time slot in the prayer vigil for Indiana State Prison October 8-11, 2015 and/or Westville Correctional Center November 5-8, 2015.
- Bake cookies and freeze them. Premeasured flour bags are available at the Ministry Counter while supplies last. (Each weekend service to a prison requires 3500-5000 DOZEN cookies! Special recipe required.)
Celebrating Intentional Valparaiso!
Intentional Valparaiso (IV) is a group of young adults from all over who meet together at Life Bridge on Monday nights at 8:30pm for mutual encouragement from each other and from the Word.
This past Monday they enjoyed a cookout, singing, and board games! Sorry if you missed it, but if you are a young adult looking to connect with other believers, you have another opportunity every Monday! Check out what God is doing!
This past Monday they enjoyed a cookout, singing, and board games! Sorry if you missed it, but if you are a young adult looking to connect with other believers, you have another opportunity every Monday! Check out what God is doing!
Financial Peace University Begins This Weekend!
Financial Peace University
Life Bridge Christian Church
September 27-November 22
FPU had an awesome launch this past Sunday with about 12 participants. This would be your last chance to join in.
We all need a plan for our money. Financial Peace University (FPU) is that plan! It teaches God's ways of handling money. Through video teaching, class discussions and interactive small group activities, FPU presents biblical, practical steps to get from where you are to where you've dreamed you could be. This plan will show you how to get rid of debt, manage your money, spend and save wisely, and much more!
We all need a plan for our money. Financial Peace University (FPU) is that plan! It teaches God's ways of handling money. Through video teaching, class discussions and interactive small group activities, FPU presents biblical, practical steps to get from where you are to where you've dreamed you could be. This plan will show you how to get rid of debt, manage your money, spend and save wisely, and much more!
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