Friday, February 26, 2016
Scattered Perspective
Welcome to the Family, Faith Briggs!
This week Faith Briggs was baptized into Christ for the forgiveness of her sin and received the free gift of the Holy Spirit! Faith had been baptized as a baby and raised in faith, but had never chosen for herself to give her life to Christ as we see repeatedly in the New Testament… buried with Christ in death and raised to a new life (Romans 6:4). Her and her friends celebrated with bacon (and other breakfast foods, like waffles!) at 10pm after her baptism!
If you see Faith at church, welcome her to the Family.
If you find that you relate to Faith and desire to understand more of what the Bible says about entering this renewing relationship with Jesus, check the box “Becoming a Christian” on your Connect Card on Sunday or email We would love to talk with you.
Sit & Savor Cookout!
Sunday March 6th Immediately following 2nd service
We will be having our first cookout of 2016! Sign up at the Ministry Counter to help out. There are many ways to be a part of creating a welcoming environment and fostering relationships…
- Come and enjoy the meal and the company!
- Sign up to help provide food/dishes
- Serve in setup and clean up
- Donate money toward meat/supplies
Jr. High Believe 2016 Wrap Up & SuperStart Kick Off!
We had a wonderful weekend in Cincinnati, Ohio last week! It was a great conference, where we were challenged to counter the struggles and lies that life throws at us with truth straight from God.
An illustration that will always stay with me is the use of the rainbow to illustrate walking in the light of God’s truth. We have a tendency to turn to our friends, the internet, our teachers, etc. for answers. When we do this, it is like limiting our source of truth to one color of light. The illustration also showed how doing this can cause us to be misled from the truth. Turning to God and His Word for truth is like walking in the full spectrum of light. We are not easily misled when we stay in the Light!
Kairos Jesus Cookie Time!

Kairos Prison Ministry's Spring Outreaches are coming up! Here are just a couple ways you can support Kairos' efforts:
Sign up online for a time slot in the prayer vigil for Indiana State Prison April 21-24, 2016 and/or Westville Correctional Center May 12-15, 2016.
Ways to Participate:
- Bake Cookies
- Make Hand prints of children
- Purchase a meal ticket for feed an inmate a special meal
It's never too soon to begin making cookies!
Ongoing Events
- Ministry Mondays 6:30-8pm meets to be purposeful in developing our serving skills and to coordinate ministry efforts. All are welcome.
- IV (Intentional Valparaiso) is a small group for post-High School and young adults from all over Northwest Indiana. They meet at Life Bridge on Mondays from 8:30pm-10ish.
Friday, February 19, 2016
Another Paper, Another Step
Monday I was out of pocket for the day as I finished up a final paper for my class on Leadership in Different Contexts. It was an interesting and challenging class. It left me feeling different than any of my coursework up to this time. I’ve been spending the better part of the week trying to figure out why. Here’s what I’ve come up with so far.
Pamper Night Meeting THIS SATURDAY! Last Planning Meeting!
Pamper Night Planning Meeting
Saturday, February 19th 11am
What is Pamper Night?
Pamper Night is a ministry to the women and their children of The Caring Place, a service and shelter for victims of violence and their children. In the past, these women, who are going through a traumatic time in life, are given an evening of being loved on, from a wonderful meal, to complete makeovers with haircuts, makeup, nails, massages, clothing and more.
It’s true that makeovers are short lived, but the love they receive in the process, the acceptance, support, encouragement and lack of judgement… in short, God’s love through us, will remain with them always.
There are opportunities for everyone - man, woman, and teen alike - to participate. For safety reasons, communication about this event is somewhat limited. To be a part of this you can attend this meeting or contact Jeni Bolton at (219)531-7777 or
Jr. High Believe
This weekend is Jr. High Believe in Cincinnati, OH! February 19th-21st
Two leaders and five students will be heading to Cincinnati on Friday, February 19th.Jr. high students have a desperate desire to know what’s real. Finding answers in today’s world is easy – from cell phones to Internet to social media. Jr. high students literally have the ability to look up any question they have in a matter of seconds.
Finding the truth is more difficult.
Sit & Savor Cookout!
Sunday March 6th Immediately following 2nd service
We will be having our first cookout of 2016! Sign up at the Ministry Counter to help out. There are many ways to be a part of creating a welcoming environment and fostering relationships…
- Come and enjoy the meal and the company!
- Sign up to help provide food/dishes
- Serve in setup and clean up
- Donate money toward meat/supplies
Kairos Jesus Cookie Time!

Cookies Time!
Kairos Prison Ministry's Spring Outreaches are coming up! Here are just a couple ways you can support Kairos' efforts:Sign up online for a time slot in the prayer vigil for Indiana State Prison April 21-24, 2016 and/or Westville Correctional Center May 12-15, 2016.
Ways to Participate:
- Bake Cookies
- Make Hand prints of children
- Purchase a meal ticket for feed an inmate a special meal
Cabin Fever Concert
Ongoing Events
Friday, February 12, 2016
Worth The Battle
Over the past couple weeks, I’ve noticed an increase of “resistance” to what Life Bridge has been trying to do. We want to glorify God, walk together with God, and empower one more to do the same. Whenever we try, though, we have had to fight. Things have gotten spilled and broken, equipment has given us distractions and hiccups, services and meetings alike have started late, gone long, and challenged the many ministry workers.
Operation Christmas Child
Too soon for Christmas?
It’s always time to think of kids around the world! Once again each month or so, we will be collecting certain items that will go into the shoe boxes. To kick things off, we will be collecting toothbrushes and toothpaste.There will be an OCC bin on the Ministry Counter for donations.
Cabin Fever Concert
Sit & Savor Cookout!
Sunday March 6th Immediately following 2nd service
We will be having our first cookout of 2016! Sign up at the Ministry Counter to help out. There are many ways to be a part of creating a welcoming environment and fostering relationships…
- Come and enjoy the meal and the company!
- Sign up to help provide food/dishes
- Serve in setup and clean up
- Donate money toward meat/supplies
Ongoing Events
Greenhouse Café
Mondays-Thursdays 10am-4pm
Enjoy a relaxing environment to work or meet with others at Life Bridge’s Café!Mondays
- Ministry Mondays 6:30-8pm meets to be purposeful in developing our serving skills and to coordinate ministry efforts. All are welcome.
- IV (Intentional Valparaiso) is a small group for post-High School and young adults from all over Northwest Indiana. They meet at Life Bridge on Mondays from 8:30pm-10ish.
- Tuesday Midweek Bible Study Potluck Dinner at 6:30 followed by studies for children, students, and adults! Current study: "Imagine" Deeper
- Midweek Movie Matinee Noon – Bring your lunch and enjoy!
- Faith-Based Cancer Support Group (regularly meets 2nd & 4th Wednesdays at Life Bridge 6:30-8pm)
- Questions? Bible Study 7pm
- Worship Arts Bible Study and Band Practice Thursdays 6:30-9pm
- Worship Service Sundays 9am & 11am Current Series: “The Path of Life”
- Encounter Student Worship Sundays 6-8pm Current Series: “Jesus and Your Image”
- OCC is currently collecting toothbrushes and toothpaste
Friday, February 5, 2016
Gain Some Perspective
I’m not going to say much here. I’m just going to encourage you to join us Sunday at the Chili Luncheon. I will be sharing some thoughts about last year and this upcoming year. God’s been laying some things on my heart. Hopefully, those thoughts will help us all gain some perspective. See you there!
Chili Showcase & 2016 Vision Sit & Savor Lunch THIS SUNDAY!
Sunday February 7th, 2016 immediately following 2nd service
Chase away the cold, and fill up the tank, and celebrate a BIG God!Join us at this luncheon to celebrate what God did in 2015 and what is in store for 2016!
What a great way to kick off Super Bowl Sunday – with a bowl of chili …. or 2!
Sign up sheets are at the Ministry Counter!
Invite friends and family to join us as we before connecting for the big game!
Pamper Night Meeting THIS SATURDAY!
Pamper Night Planning Meeting
Saturday, February 6th 11am
What is Pamper Night?
Pamper Night is a ministry to the women and their children of The Caring Place, a service and shelter for victims of violence and their children. In the past, these women, who are going through a traumatic time in life, are given an evening of being loved on, from a wonderful meal, to complete makeovers with haircuts, makeup, nails, massages, clothing and more.It’s true that makeovers are short lived, but the love they receive in the process, the acceptance, support, encouragement and lack of judgement… in short, God’s love through us, will remain with them always.
There are opportunities for everyone - man, woman, and teen alike - to participate. For safety reasons, communication about this event is somewhat limited. To be a part of this you can attend this meeting or contact Jeni Bolton at (219)531-7777 or
Celebrating Rebirth
Operation Christmas Child
Too soon for Christmas?
It’s always time to think of kids around the world! Once again each month or so, we will be collecting certain items that will go into the shoe boxes. To kick things off, we will be collecting toothbrushes and toothpaste.There will be an OCC bin on the Ministry Counter for donations.
Ongoing Events
Greenhouse Café
Mondays-Thursdays 10am-4pm
Enjoy a relaxing environment to work or meet with others at Life Bridge’s Café!Mondays
- Ministry Mondays 6:30-8pm meets to be purposeful in developing our serving skills and to coordinate ministry efforts. All are welcome.
- IV (Intentional Valparaiso) is a small group for post-High School and young adults from all over Northwest Indiana. They meet at Life Bridge on Mondays from 8:30pm-10ish.
- Tuesday Midweek Bible Study Potluck Dinner at 6:30 followed by studies for children, students, and adults! Current study: "Imagine" Deeper
- Midweek Movie Matinee Noon – Bring your lunch and enjoy!
- Faith-Based Cancer Support Group (regularly meets 2nd & 4th Wednesdays at Life Bridge 6:30-8pm)
- Questions? Bible Study 7pm
- Worship Arts Bible Study and Band Practice Thursdays 6:30-9pm
- Worship Service Sundays 9am & 11am Current Series: “The Path of Life”
- Encounter Student Worship Sundays 6-8pm Current Series: “Jesus and Your Image”