Yesterday, I noticed that our weather forecast was calling for 50% chance of snow. Last night, Traci called to me from the kitchen, “You know that 50% chance? It’s here.” I had joked with people about dreaming of a white Easter. It’s not outside the realm of possibility, is it? I like snow, so that normally doesn’t bring me down – especially considering the mild winter we’ve been having. I do find myself feeling a bit of an oppression today, though. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t because I saw snow flurries again this morning as I let the dog out.
Friday, March 25, 2016
Good Friday Service Friday, March 25th, 2016 7pm![Easter_EmptyTomb_-_Artwork_Horizonta[1] Easter_EmptyTomb_-_Artwork_Horizonta[1]](
Come join us for what has now become a Life Bridge tradition. Written by our own Frank Guzzo, the first part of the Resurrection Suite will prepare you and your family to celebrate the real meaning of Easter.Easter Sunday, March 27th, 2016 9am & 11am
Join us with your family to celebrate the greatest event in all of history. Together we will remember that Jesus really provides for us the Path of Life.Operation Christmas Child
Special Upcoming Dates:
- Sunday, April 3rd, 2016 Join us to hear from an OCC Shoebox recipient, Azima Ndimbe from Cameroon at either of our weekend services (9 & 11am)
- Saturday, Bunco April 23rd 2-4pm $10 All proceeds will go toward helping with shipping of the shoeboxes to kids around the world.
Currently Collecting:
Washcloths & Soap
Friday, March 18, 2016
A Little Bit of Everything
The last couple weeks included a mix of ups and downs that really made me back up and survey what has happened.
Circles of Grace Hilltop Dinner kicks off at Life Bridge!
Over 35 people came to enjoy a taco dinner this past Friday and to enjoy connecting with the community. These dinners are about making life a little easier for some in our community, but also about building relationships in which our neighbors can see Christ through those who serve.Pamper Night Honors Women
Thank you to all the volunteers for their time in planning, prepping, caring & loving. Thanks to all those who donated and helped to provide the gifts and food to make it extra special. Thanks to Thrivent Financial for the Action Team box of supplies, t-shirts and cash donation. God is good.

Friday, March 11, 2016
Leadership and Love
I admitted last week that I am a bit of a political junkie. I like to watch the politicians, the contests, the debates, the polls, and the results. Now, I don’t select a candidate, support someone, and preach about it on the weekend. That’s because I believe what we are doing as God’s Church is much bigger than any individual political contest. That being said, I’ve found myself saddened by the primary contests I’ve been watching so far.
Easter 2016
Good Friday Service Friday, March 25th, 2016 7pm
Come join us for what has now become a Life Bridge tradition. Written by our own Frank Guzzo, the first part of the Resurrection Suite will prepare you and your family to celebrate the real meaning of Easter.Easter Sunday, March 27th, 2016 9am & 11am
Join us with your family to celebrate the greatest event in all of history. Together we will remember that Jesus really provides for us the Path of Life.Celebrating Our First Grill Out of the Season!
This past Sunday we had our first grill out of the season! These lunches are being well received by all.
There was much more than great food going on as we enjoyed burgers, hot dogs, and all the culinary gifts with which God has endowed His body. As we eat and indulge in one another's company, conversations are taking place, relationships are being strengthened, and the body of Christ is being built up!
Thanks to all who provided food, served in its preparation and cleanup. Also thanks to all who willingly enter conversations and allow God to use you to be an encouragement to someone.
It is a beautiful thing to watch how God works!
Operation Christmas Child
InConcert is Coming!!!
Friday, April 15
Doors at 6pm – 8:30-9pm
What is InConcert? InConcert is family-friendly entertainment including (but not limited to!) musical performances, dramatic readings, dance, and more.
If you are interested in performing or providing munchies, Contact Frank Guzzo at
Friday, March 4, 2016
The Invisible Church
I had a professor once who talked about the “Invisible Church.” He was referring to the Body of Christ, working together under the leading of God, glorifying God and building up the Body. This Church is invisible, because it isn’t really tied to any organizational structure, denominational theological structure, or power base. It is simply made up of the people who are a part of Christ’s Body, walking with God and building up the Body.
Sit & Savor Cookout THIS SUNDAY!
Sunday March 6th Immediately following 2nd service
We will be having our first cookout of 2016! Sign up at the Ministry Counter to help out. There are many ways to be a part of creating a welcoming environment and fostering relationships…
- Come and enjoy the meal and the company!
- Sign up to help provide food/dishes
- Serve in setup and clean up
- Donate money toward meat/supplies
OCC Now Collecting Washcloths and Soap
Kairos Jesus Cookie Time!

Kairos Prison Ministry's Spring Outreaches are coming up! Here are just a couple ways you can support Kairos' efforts:
Sign up online for a time slot in the prayer vigil for Indiana State Prison April 21-24, 2016 and/or Westville Correctional Center May 12-15, 2016.
Ways to Participate:
- Bake Cookies
- Make Hand prints of children
- Purchase a meal ticket for feed an inmate a special meal
It's never too soon to begin making cookies!
Ongoing Events
Greenhouse Cafe
M-TH 10am-4pm
- Ministry Mondays 6:30-8pm meets to be purposeful in developing our serving skills and to coordinate ministry efforts. All are welcome.
- IV (Intentional Valparaiso) is a small group for post-High School and young adults from all over Northwest Indiana. They meet at Life Bridge on Mondays from 8:30pm-10ish.
- Tuesday Midweek Bible Study Potluck Dinner at 6:30 followed by studies for children, students, and adults! Current study: "Imagine" Deeper
- Midweek Movie Matinee Noon – Bring your lunch and enjoy!
- Faith-Based Cancer Support Group (regularly meets 2nd & 4th Wednesdays at Life Bridge 6:30-8pm)
- Questions? Bible Study 7pm
- Worship Arts Bible Study and Band Practice Thursdays 6:30-9pm
- Worship Service Sundays 9am & 11am Current Series: “The Path of Life”
- Encounter Student Worship Sundays 6-8pm Current Series: “Jesus and Your Image”
- OCC is currently collecting toothbrushes and toothpaste