This week I have been in kind of a fog. Maybe it’s letdown after finishing up my last class for the year. Perhaps I’m still in denial about my oldest child turning 24 today and my youngest turning 20 last week. It could be that the various ministries this week have been pulling my attention in different directions. Whatever the reason, the week for me has been one where I’ve been watching everything that is happening around me, participating in my part, but all of it in a fog.
Friday, May 27, 2016
Camp LRCA Fundraising Event
Toolbox Ministries Work Day
Feed the Need Sign Ups are Open!
Save the date: June 4th 8am-8pm
Town & Country (Valparaiso & Portage)
Feed the Need is an annual event where we partner with Town & Country and other area churches to invite our community to join us in feeding those in need. We stand at the doors and hand out flyers that list items that are being collected. The flyers also invite them to purchase items on the list and drop them in receptacles on their way out. We organize them in the truck. This year cash donations will support the NWI Food Bank whose resources allow them to do much more with the money than we can, while the actual food donations will support smaller local food distribution centers.To sign up to participate at the doors or on the truck, simply click here. This is a great way to spend time with your friends or meet some new ones!
For now, if you are interested in helping to coordinate this one day event, contact Jeni Bolton at
Feed the Need Boxing–A New Opportunity!
Sunday, June
Life Bridge Christian Church 1pm-5pm
In the past after Feed the Need has taken place at Town and Country, Student Ministry has gone up to NWI Food Bank to organize and package the food items that have been donated. With about 20 people we have often complete the sorting of the largest single day donation in about 2 hours.This year we are doing something different and all are welcome (elementary kids need to be accompanied by a supervising adult)! As in the past the monetary donations will once again go to the NWI Food Bank who can do far more to feed those in need, but the actual food items will be boxed at Life Bridge and distributed to 4 local food pantries. These pantries can often do more to meet needs as they have ongoing relationships with the people they serve. This has the added benefit of pantries distributing food in the name of Jesus and spreading His love.
Go God! May this event feed both the body and the soul!
Time to Return the Baby Bottles!
Ongoing Events
New! Vagabond Cafe!
Mondays –Wednesday 10am-6pm;Thursday 10am-5pm
Friday-Saturday 10am-Midnight (Live Entertainment most Saturdays)
(Some exception apply when Reserved events take place.)
Friday, May 20, 2016
Papers and Perspective
These classes, and their corresponding projects, always stir things up for me. They take me outside my comfort zone. They force me to think outside the box. They mess with my perspective. That is good.
Vagabond Cafe Launch Party THIS SATURDAY!
It’s Here! Vagabond Launch Party
May 21st, 2016 6PM
ALL ARE WELCOME!Vagabond Launch party! Come help us celebrate opening our pay-what-you-want coffeehouse. We've got musical guests including The Concept ,Chris Kang Music and more! There will be coffee and goodies and fun times all around!
Vagabond is a coffee shop devoted to creating a community for all and providing opportunities to serve the world around us. They will have a drink menu with suggested donations. All guests can continue to enjoy the free WIFI for personal use or for meetings. All proceeds will support the area homeless ministries, among others.
Vagabond will be hosting an Open House on Saturday May 21st from 6-9pmish. Come on down and support this ministry and enjoy some coffee and fun!
“Is it not to share food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter - when you see the naked, to clothe them, and not to turn away your own flesh and blood. Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of God will be your rear guard.” Isaiah 58:7-8
"Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven." (Matthew 5:16 NIV)
Birthright of Valparaiso
Birthright of Valparaiso strives to provide guidance, education, and care to those facing unplanned pregnancies. They do this largely through these baby bottle donations.
To participate, simply pick up a baby bottle at the Ministry Counter and place loose change (or bills!) in it throughout the week.
Please return the bottles to Life Bridge this weekend, May 22nd.
Prayers, not only for this ministry, but also for the young women that they serve is always appreciated!
Camp LRCA Fundraising Event
Saturday, May 28th, 2016 beginning at 9am and running into the evening.
You will find something for the whole family!
- Craft & Vendor Fair
- Concession-Style Food
- Silent Auction
- Canoeing
- Games
- Face Painting
- Inflatables
- Pool & Waterslide
- Paintball
4:30 Begins a time of Worship and Celebrations featuring our very own Life Bridge Band & Worship Team! Plan on joining us for a fun day, supporting Life Bridge, Solomon Foundation, Camp LRCA, and the work God is doing!
Ongoing Events
New! Vagabond Cafe!
Launch Party May 21st 6pm Live Entertainment and Coffee!Mondays –Thursday 10am-6pm; Friday-Saturday 10am-Midnight (Some exception apply when Reserved events take place.)
- Ministry Mondays 6:30-8pm meets to be purposeful in developing our serving skills and to coordinate ministry efforts. All are welcome.
- dIVe (Intentional Valparaiso) is a small group for post-High School and young adults from all over Northwest Indiana. They meet at Life Bridge Cafe on Mondays from 8:30pm-10ish.
- Tuesday Midweek Bible Study Potluck Dinner at 6:30 followed by studies for children, students, and adults! Current study: "Words" Deeper
- Faith-Based Cancer Support Group (regularly meets 2nd & 4th Wednesdays at Life Bridge 6:30-8pm)
- Questions? Bible Study 7pm
- Worship Arts Bible Study and Band Practice Thursdays 6:30-9pm
- Worship Service 9am & 11am New Series Begins: “Words”
- Encounter Student Worship Sundays 6-8pm Series: “Hacked”
- OCC is currently collecting Small Toys
Friday, May 13, 2016
Home Away from Home
Last week, I talked about all the travelling we’ve been doing over the past couple months. Cincinnati was a primary destination because that is where Traci and I grew up. Anderson was a regular destination because our youngest daughter, Amanda, was going to school there. Valparaiso was a final destination because it is, well, home. It has been for 13 years now. This week, it’s been nice to be home.
Circles Of Grace Dinner TONIGHT!
Friday, May 13th 6pm
Life Bridge Christian Church
Circles of Grace is a ministry out of Kouts Christian Church, which strives to serve the Hilltop community and those blessed by a meal on the second Friday of each month.Join us as we work together with this ministry to reach out to our community. Come on down to enjoy dinner and build relationships
What better way to make a difference for Christ… food and new friends!!
Birthright of Valparaiso
Birthright of Valparaiso strives to provide guidance, education, and care to those facing unplanned pregnancies. They do this largely through these baby bottle donations.
To participate, simply pick up a baby bottle at the Ministry Counter and place loose change (or bills!) in it throughout the week. The bottles can then be returned to Life Bridge the week of May 24th.
Prayers, not only for this ministry, but also for the young women that they serve is always appreciated!
Vagabond Cafe Launch Party!
Vagabond Launch Party
May 21st, 2016 6PM
- You have noticed the changes, enjoyed the couches… now what’s it all about?
We are excited that we get to continue to support and encourage one another in ministry as they launch Vagabond Cafe later this month from our own cafe! (That’s what the changes are about!)
Feed the Need Sign Ups are Open!
Save the date: June 4th 8am-8pm
Town & Country (Valparaiso & Portage)
Feed the Need is an annual event where we partner with Town & Country and other area churches to invite our community to join us in feeding those in need. We stand at the doors and hand out flyers that list items that are being collected. The flyers also invite them to purchase items on the list and drop them in receptacles on their way out. We organize them in the truck. This year cash donations will support the NWI Food Bank whose resources allow them to do much more with the money than we can, while the actual food donations will support smaller local food distribution centers.To sign up to participate at the doors or on the truck, simply click here. This is a great way to spend time with your friends or meet some new ones!
For now, if you are interested in helping to coordinate this one day event, contact Jeni Bolton at
Kairos at Westville Correctional This Weekend
Time to Pray!
Please be in pray for those participating in the Kairos Westville Correctional Center Outreach this weekend, May 12-15th.Pray for soft hearts, for God’s truth and love to be received, and for the spiritual protection of both the inmates and the Kairos Team. GO GOD!
Friday, May 6, 2016
A Lot Like Paul
This past Sunday, our focus was on the Apostle Paul and his conversion from his previous life as Saul. Saul was a Pharisee of Pharisees. Paul became a disciple making disciple. The transformation must have been a sight to see. Once Saul became Paul, he was unstoppable. He travelled from place to place introducing people to and encouraging people with Jesus.
I was just looking at my calendar from the past month and a part of me feels a lot like Paul.
Circles Of Grace Hilltop Dinner
Friday, May 13th 6pm
Life Bridge Christian Church
Circles of Grace is a ministry out of Kouts Christian Church, which strives to serve the Hilltop community and those blessed by a meal on the second Friday of each month.Join us as we work together with this ministry to reach out to our community. Come on down to enjoy dinner and build relationships
What better way to make a difference for Christ… food and new friends!!
Happy Mother’s Day Sunday May 8th!
Feed the Need Sign Ups are Open!
Save the date: June 4th 8am-8pm
Town & Country (Valparaiso & Portage)
Feed the Need is an annual event where we partner with Town & Country and other area churches to invite our community to join us in feeding those in need. We stand at the doors and hand out flyers that list items that are being collected. The flyers also invite them to purchase items on the list and drop them in receptacles on their way out. We organize them in the truck. This year cash donations will support the NWI Food Bank whose resources allow them to do much more with the money than we can, while the actual food donations will support smaller local food distribution centers.To sign up to participate at the doors or on the truck, simply click here. This is a great way to spend time with your friends or meet some new ones!
For now, if you are interested in helping to coordinate this one day event, contact Jeni Bolton at
Ongoing Events
Greenhouse/Vagabond Cafe
M-TH 10am-4pm
- Ministry Mondays 6:30-8pm meets to be purposeful in developing our serving skills and to coordinate ministry efforts. All are welcome.
- dIVe (Intentional Valparaiso) is a small group for post-High School and young adults from all over Northwest Indiana. They meet at Life Bridge Cafe on Mondays from 8:30pm-10ish.
- Tuesday Midweek Bible Study Potluck Dinner at 6:30 followed by studies for children, students, and adults! Current study: "Words" Deeper
- Faith-Based Cancer Support Group (regularly meets 2nd & 4th Wednesdays at Life Bridge 6:30-8pm)
- Questions? Bible Study 7pm
- Worship Arts Bible Study and Band Practice Thursdays 6:30-9pm
- Worship Service 9am & 11am New Series Begins: “Words”
- Encounter Student Worship Sundays 6-8pm Series: “Hacked” NO ENCOUNTER FOR MOTHER’S DAY
- OCC is currently collecting Small Toys
Thursday, May 5, 2016
Circles Of Grace Hilltop Dinner - UPDATED!
Friday, May 13th 6pm
Life Bridge Christian Church
Circles of Grace is a ministry out of Kouts Christian Church, which strives to serve the Hilltop community and those blessed by a meal on the second Friday of each month.What better way to make a difference for Christ… food and new friends!!