So I walked into the building this week and found stacks and stacks of ceiling tiles. “Where did they come from?” I wondered. It didn’t take long before I found out the answer.
Friday, June 24, 2016
High School Students are heading to Milligan College in Johnson City, TN this Sunday for the MOVE Conference!
Our 5 students will be among 27,000 students visiting college campuses throughout the US. They will be challenged through intense, interactive worship, dynamic preaching, small group study and community building. They will not only learn and worship together – they spend quality time together, discovering ways that God will use them to impact the world.The focus this year is 3 fold:
- We were designed for Good.
- We were made for a Purpose.
- We were created for Kingdom Work.
Operation Christmas Child
Currently Collecting: Personal Items (Hair brushes/combs, barrettes, flip flops, t-shirts, socks, etc)
Challenge: We have been challenged to add a WOW! element to our shoeboxes. If you like to shop and scout for deals, maybe this is the thing for you! Keep your eyes open for special ways to bless these children!
Ideas include: Soccer ball with pump, Stuffed animal, Toys (puppets, trucks, etc.), Doll (baby, Barbie, etc.), Musical instrument, Outfit, Shoes
Christmas in July at Vagabond!
Vagabond Cafe! What’s Up?
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M-W 10am-6pm; Th 10am-5pm; Fri & Sat 10am-Midnight |
Vagabond is seeking people who have time to serve and desire to give back to the community. If you would be interested in hosting Vagabond for a couple hours at a time, message them on Facebook or email at
Where else has Vagabond been?
- Heath McNease Concert in June courtesy of First United Methodist Church! Vagabond served their refreshing coffees to those who attended.
- August 7th 10am Vagabond will be serving their refreshments to serve our Life Bridge family and Valparaiso community when we have service at the Central Park Plaza
- Yummy coffee drinks, fast internet, and a Minecraft server for Melody and Joy. Now we just need a second laptop so they don't fight over playing time. – Facebook
- Great people, great coffee, great music, fantastic purpose. – Facebook
- Information about needs-based ministries in our community. Check back frequently as this grows.
- Live Music as scheduled
- Community gaming opportunities (Minecraft and more!)
- Come by for a coffee, or plan on meeting someone here to share the environment and support the ministry
- Drop off used shirts, tees, or sweater donations (really any shirt with some stretch) in the designated basket. This supports a ministry, Stripes, who is committed to getting girls out of sex trafficking. While helping them heal and acclimate to a new life, they use these shirts to make rugs as a means of skill development, purpose, and financial support.
- Have some hours to serve? Become a Vagabond host and barista! Sign up with Vagabond at this link. Don’t worry about being left alone, someone will contact you concerning training. It’s a positive way to use your time, build community, and support a variety of ministries! All while enjoying the free WIFI and environment for yourself!
Ongoing Events
New! Vagabond Cafe!
Mondays –Wednesday 10am-6pm;
Thursday 10am-5pm
Friday-Saturday 10am-Midnight
(Some exception apply when Reserved events take place.)
- Ministry Mondays 6:30-8pm meets to be purposeful in developing our serving skills and to coordinate ministry efforts. All are welcome.
- dIVe (Intentional Valparaiso) is a small group for post-High School and young adults from all over Northwest Indiana. They meet at Life Bridge Cafe on Mondays from 8:30pm-10ish.
- Tuesday Midweek Bible Study Potluck Dinner at 6:30 followed by studies for children, students, and adults! Current study: "Words" Deeper
- Faith-Based Cancer Support Group (regularly meets 2nd & 4th Wednesdays at Life Bridge 6:30-8pm)
- Worship Arts Bible Study and Band Practice Thursdays 6:30-9pm
- Hosting Men’s Shelter 7pm-7am (Friday morning)
- Worship Service 9am & 11am New Series Begins: “Words”
- Encounter Student Worship Sundays 6-8pm
- OCC is currently collecting Personal Items
Friday, June 17, 2016
Drum Parts
I was at the Life Bridge building with a few team members when someone came to the door looking for Frank. She had a drum part in her hand. Apparently, there was a mix-up when the team led worship for a special even at Town and Country Christian Church for Camp LRCA. When we packed up and came back, a drum part was left behind. (We ended up getting the high-hats to work with duct tape for a couple weeks.)
Standing there, we started talking about a few coordination things. Now the drums would work better…we have toner for the copying machine…the air conditioning is working better…etc. As we talked, we were reminded of the gifts God keeps showering down upon us. The drum part saved us having to buy a whole new high-hat set. The copier/printer contract is over, saving us $400 per month. The insulation in the ceiling saved us $600 this month and will continue saving us $100 per month from here on out.
Of course, the conversation moved past tasks, projects, and money really fast and started focusing on our relationships with God and people. We (Traci and I) just completed a computer program that allows us to better enter and track Connect Card, Event Attendance, and other involvement information. This will help us make wiser decisions as we plan events, coordinate teams, and shepherd the flock entrusted into our care.
The capstone of our conversation, though, was the reminder that God is working in and through His people every day. We enjoyed sharing with one another a visible reminder of God’s work in our lives: Shannon Uttal and Chuck Hartz were baptized this week. We all paused. God really is good all the time. Go team. Praise God.
Welcome to the Family!
Welcome to the Family!
Shannon Uttal and Chuck Hartz
Tuesday, June 14th we went up to Lake Michigan to baptize Shannon and Chuck. We are joining the angels in heaven as we celebrate their spiritual day of birth into the family of God!Please keep them both in prayer as they begin this new walk together with God.
Vagabond Cafe! What’s Up?
Our coffee and other drinks are “pay-what-you’re-able.” This means when you walk in you will be offered a drink but not from behind a register. If you choose to donate there are recommended amounts but that is not at all an expectation. Donations are greatly appreciated to help cover our operating expenses but whatever we get beyond that is donated to one of our local ministry partners such as New Creation Men’s Shelter, Life Bridge Christian Church, and others who work directly with our local community offering help and care to those in need.
We are a Christian organization and operate underneath Intentional Valparaiso and Life Bridge Christian Church. We welcome all individuals, regardless of religion or spiritual belief. We do take discretion in the organizations that we partner with and promote, but ultimately exist to serve and be a bridge from those in need to those who provide those goods and/or services.
Where else has Vagabond been?
- Heath McNease Concert at this past week courtesy of First United Methodist Church! Vagabond served their refreshing coffees to those who attended.
- Yummy coffee drinks, fast internet, and a Minecraft server for Melody and Joy. Now we just need a second laptop so they don't fight over playing time. – Facebook
- Great people, great coffee, great music, fantastic purpose. – Facebook
- Information about needs-based ministries in our community. Check back frequently as this grows.
- Live Music as scheduled
- Community gaming opportunities (Minecraft and more!)
- Come by for a coffee, or plan on meeting someone here to share the environment and support the ministry
- Drop off used shirts, tees, or sweater donations (really any shirt with some stretch) in the designated basket. This supports a ministry, Stripes, who is committed to getting girls out of sex trafficking. While helping them heal and acclimate to a new life, they use these shirts to make rugs as a means of skill development, purpose, and financial support.
- Have some hours to serve? Become a Vagabond host and barista! Sign up with Vagabond at this link. Don’t worry about being left alone, someone will contact you concerning training. It’s a positive way to use your time, build community, and support a variety of ministries! All while enjoying the free WIFI and environment for yourself!
Operation Christmas Child
Currently Collecting: Personal Items (Hair brushes/combs, barrettes, flip flops, t-shirts, socks, etc)
Challenge: We have been challenged to add a WOW! element to our shoeboxes. If you like to shop and scout for deals, maybe this is the thing for you! Keep your eyes open for special ways to bless these children!
Ideas include: Soccer ball with pump, Stuffed animal, Toys (puppets, trucks, etc.), Doll (baby, Barbie, etc.), Musical instrument, Outfit, Shoes
Ongoing Events
New! Vagabond Cafe!
Mondays –Wednesday 10am-6pm;Thursday 10am-5pm
Friday-Saturday 10am-Midnight (Live Entertainment most Saturdays)
(Some exception apply when Reserved events take place.)
Friday, June 10, 2016
Worth Creating
I wrote my post for My Garden Walk a little late today. It’s good to rest on your day of rest. Even if you don’t usually read these Daily Devotion blog posts that I write each week, I’d like to encourage you to take the time to read the one I wrote today before continuing with my thought process here. (Click here to read it.)
Celebrating a Weekend of Service
Operation Christmas Child
Operation Christmas Child collects items throughout the year. As we enter the fall, the items are packaged into shoe boxes and sent to children around the world to show God’s love. Over the years that this ministry has existed under Samaritan’s Purse efforts have continued to increase in sharing God’s love. Each shoe box has materials for the kids to teach them the Good News of Jesus, they have the opportunity to attend classes, much like Vacation Bible School here, that teaches them this in personal, culturally relevant ways. It is exciting to read the stories of how these shoe boxes are impacting the lives of children, even as they become adults as we got to hear from Azima in April here at Life Bridge. Let’s keep the stories going…
Here is what is currently happening:
Ongoing Events
New! Vagabond Cafe!
Mondays –Wednesday 10am-6pm;Thursday 10am-5pm
Friday-Saturday 10am-Midnight (Live Entertainment most Saturdays)
(Some exception apply when Reserved events take place.)
Friday, June 3, 2016
Toolbox Ministries Work Day
Saturday, June 4th 8am-noon (Time correction)
Breakfast is served at 8am! There are opportunities for carpentry, cleaning, organizing, maintenance, and much more!
Here is an opportunity for everyone! Come on down and join in -- Many hands make light work and lots of laughter.
Feed the Need Boxing–A New Opportunity!
Sunday, June
Life Bridge Christian Church 1pm-6pm (Help for all or part!)
All are welcome! Plan on joining us for this simple, yet fun family friendly service project!Beginning at 1pm:
- A simple lunch will be served
- Set up of tables, boxes, etc. will be organized
- Food sorted and boxed, and divided among the pantries
- Pantry pick up is scheduled for 5pm!
Operation Christmas Child
Operation Christmas Child collects items throughout the year. As we enter the fall, the items are packaged into shoeboxes and sent to children around the world to show God’s love. Over the years that this ministry has existed under Samaritan’s Purse efforts have continued to increase in sharing God’s love. Each shoebox has materials for the kids to teach them the Good News of Jesus, they have the opportunity to attend classes, much like Vacation Bible School here, that teaches them this in personal, culturally relevant ways. It is exciting to read the stories of how these shoeboxes are impacting the lives of children, even as they become adults as we got to hear from Azima in April here at Life Bridge. Let’s keep the stories going…
Here is what is currently happening:
Currently Collecting: Small toys
Challenge: We have been challenged to add a WOW! element to our shoeboxes. If you like to shop and scout for deals, maybe this is the thing for you! Keep your eyes open for special ways to bless these children!
Ideas include: Soccer ball with pump, Stuffed animal, Toys (puppets, trucks, etc.), Doll (baby, Barbie, etc.), Musical instrument, Outfit, Shoes
Ongoing Events
New! Vagabond Cafe!
Mondays –Wednesday 10am-6pm;Thursday 10am-5pm
Friday-Saturday 10am-Midnight (Live Entertainment most Saturdays)
(Some exception apply when Reserved events take place.)