Friday, December 22, 2017
Student Ministry All Night New Year’s Eve Party
Board Games… Video Games… Movies… Munchies…. and more!
What to bring:
- Friends
- Munchies/2-Liter to share
- Sleeping Bag/pillow (if you plan on sleeping!)
Circles Of Grace Dinner is Back!
Circles of Grace Community Dinner
Friday, January 12th 5:30pm
Life Bridge Christian Church
Circles of Grace is a ministry which strives to serve the Hilltop community and those blessed by a meal on the second Friday of each month.
Join us as we work together with this ministry to reach out to our community. Come on down to enjoy dinner and build relationships with our neighbors!
What better way to make a difference for Christ… food and new friends!!
Encounter Student Ministry December Calendar
Encounter Student Ministry Calendar
December 24th – Student Christmas Skit at 9am & 11am Services (Contact for more info!)
December 28th – Worship Team Practice 6:30pm
December 31st – Student Serve Weekend
December 31st 6pm – January 1st 8am Student All-Night New Year’s Eve Party
Friday, December 1, 2017
Rest Stop
Monday, December 4th @ 7:00pm
Because of all you do for the Kingdom, and because there is a lot yet to do…
Rest Stop is an opportunity for all of God’s workers to stop long enough to Rejuvenate. We will Celebrate what God has been doing in and through His people over the past month. Then, we will Accelerate back into the ministries God has called us all to do.
Time will be spent in simple, authentic worship, hearing an encouraging message, and then celebrating together before we go back into our fast-paced lives and ministries. I’m asking God to bless all of us and our ministries as we take the time to lay them all down before Him this Monday.
I hope to see you at the next Rest Stop.
Your brother and coworker in Christ,
Friday, November 24, 2017
Pie Night–A Great Time of Celebration!
“Give thanks in all circumstances…” 1 Thessalonians 5:18
“The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:5b-7
… And we were encouraged as people gave thanks and shared God’s faithfulness and provision throughout all circumstances!
Here are a couple of pics:
November Student Ministry
Friday, November 10, 2017
Roof Repairs!
We are praising God for the variety of gifts that He builds into His Body! Thanks to the craftsmen who used their gifts and talents to keep our building dryer!
In what ways are you gifted?
“All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it.” 1 Corinthians 12:27
Here are some pics of the work in progress:
Friday, November 3, 2017
International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church Nov. 4th
Love Costs Everything Movie & Discussion
November 4th 4pm
Come and learn what the Church around world is experiencing. Be encouraged by their perseverance and faith. Support them in prayer. (May not be appropriate for younger audiences for violence. Recommend Middle School and up)
No time in history has been bloodier for Jesus' followers. Throughout the world, Christians are being threatened, beaten, raped and killed simply for being believers. And yet, the American church remains inactive and largely unaware of their sufferings. Christian persecution has been a reality for more than 2,000 years. While tragic, it is not a story of defeat.
Instead, those who find themselves in the crosshairs of violence today count it a blessing to stand among the faithful throughout history. In the face of persecution, these followers of Christ fear compromise more than death itself. Love Costs Every Thing maps the history of Christian persecution from the first martyrs to seven present-day stories of faith that knows no price. Filmed in Iraq, Columbia, India, Egypt, France and the United States, this feature-length documentary includes commentary from US Congressmen, foreign government officials, religious leaders and scholars. – IMDB
It’s Turkey Time!
It’s that time of year again where 500 Turkeys is in full swing! There are many opportunities to participate in a variety of ways.
Those coming up are:
- Saturday, November 4th Gobble Up Hunger Food Drive in Valpo
- Saturday, November 4th Food Drop Off at Valpo Naz
- and much more to come with clothing and packing nights!…
For more information and to sign-up, visit
International Day of Prayer Sunday November 5th
IDOP Sunday November 5th![IDOP_forPersecutedChurch_thumb[1] IDOP_forPersecutedChurch_thumb[1]](
Prayer Walk (3pm) & IDOP Service (4pm)
Join us for a prayer walk at your own discretion through various station. You will be given time to focus and pray believers here and around the world, for those facing crisis of faith, for missionaries, for your own walk, and more.
Following this prayer focus, there will be a worship service. Plan now to attend.
Operation Christmas Child
Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Packing
Wednesday, November 8th 6:30-8:00pm (Basement)
Join us for packing shoeboxes! We have been collecting all year and now it is time to pack the shoeboxes! This is a family friendly event and a great way to help kids (and adults) get excited about simple ways to share the Gospel with kids around the world!
Friday, October 27, 2017
Fall Harvest Parties for Children THIS WEEKEND!
Children Ministry “Uniquely Me” Day!
Sunday, October 29th 9 & 11 AM
500 Turkey Collection BY NOVEMBER 4TH
Life Bridge is collecting the following for 500 Turkeys:
- 200 boxes of Cornbread Mix
- 200 boxes of ziploc sandwich bags (any count and brand)
Donations can be dropped off at Life Bridge at the Ministry Counter.
The donations will be collected by Saturday, November 4th.
Friday, October 20, 2017
Life Bridge In Concert TOMORROW NIGHT!
Saturday, October 21st Doors Open at 5pm
Join us for a family friendly evening of music, and performance. An extra fun part of this In Concert is A Taste of Fall. Our munchies will include some seasonal favorites! If you have a fall fave that you would like to share, please bring it along!Do you enjoy the performing arts? Share your gift with us. Contact Frank Guzzo at for more information.
Friday, October 13, 2017
Work Day!
Student Service in Review
Portage Resale Shop Service Project in Review
On Saturday, October 7th nine (and a half!) of us went out to the Portage Resale Shop to help prepare for their winter coat give away. If I remember correctly, they will give away about 900 coats! Brandon, of Portage Resale Shop, gave us a tour and a short lesson on non profits and stewardship. This organization is committed to serving our community and partnering with churches to meet needs.
There is a volunteer at the resale shop that oversees this project and in the past she has done all the work of sorting, tagging and hanging coats on her own. Over lunch the students figured out that our giving approximately 3 hours of our time was equivalent to nearly 4 days of her working by herself!
Here are some pics from our day!
Friday, September 22, 2017
Life Bridge Anniversary Celebration THIS SUNDAY!
Sunday, September 24th, 2017 4-8pm
Come celebrate 14 years of Life Bridge as we join down on the land (2 miles south of US30 on St. Rt. 2)!
What to expect? Chili, S'mores, Bonfire (yeah, we realize it’s like 90 degrees outside… who would have thought?… and it’s still fun!), prayer walk, acoustic worship, and more!
Invite family and friends to join the fun!
Bring your chairs and blankets! Check out the Ministry Counter to see how you can participate.
Friday, September 15, 2017
Encounter Student Service Project This Sunday
Sunday, September 17th 1-5pm
Encouragement Rocks
Students are invited to join us for a fun way of spreading God’s love and truth.
Bring a lunch, pick some up near by, or come back after lunch!
We will be painting rocks to encourage others. When they dry enough we will spread them around so that people can find them! God will work in people’s lives as they find our rocks!
Friends are always welcome to join us! If you have any question, contact Traci at (219) 531-7777 ext. 11 or
Women’s Bible Study
Tuesdays 11:30 AM
This week’s topic: The Bible
Are you a woman feeling like you are stuck in one of life’s ruts? You hear talk of an abundant life in Christ, and victory over sinful patterns, but it seems to elude you? Maybe this group is for you.
It is not a 12 step program. It is not a counseling program. This is more than a study group.
It’s purpose is to be join together in the pursuit of God, or the “Higher Power”, and the life that He has for each of us. We will use God’s Word as our foundation, and strive to let His truth change us from the inside out.
We will begin at the Beginning. God will be leading the process. Along the way we will encourage one another in a grace filled environment, so that we can become the women that God calls us to be and experience the abundant life He has planned.
Your friends are welcome. Your doubts are welcome. Your questions are welcome. Come with an open heart and see where God leads.
This will follow the Garden Walk Path and be tailored to those participating. Meeting time is 11:30 Tuesdays. Have questions? Please contact Traci Kersker at or call (219) 531-7777x11
Friday, September 8, 2017
Men’s Shelter Laundry Time
One of the great things about this ministry is that there is something for everyone! We have men who host throughout the night (sign up at the Ministry Counter to Host a time period), others who do set up and greeting, and still others who cook and serve breakfast (also sign up at the Ministry Counter to participate)!
Now there is an opportunity to do laundry! Simply pick up a bag or two from the corner of the cafe, wash the linens, and return them to Life Bridge by Thursday evening. Thanks for you help and for blessing those with need.
Friday, August 25, 2017
Encounter Student Ministry
Sunday August 27th 4-7pm
Life Bridge Cafe (Carpeted Area)
We will be watching the movie that I used a clip from the day of the prayer walk, Facing the Giants (after all, it is football season)!As we enjoy the movie, we will be eating munchies, and afterwards having some discussion.
Friends are welcome and you are welcome to bring a munchie or 2 liter to share. I will plan on providing lemonade and popcorn.
Here are a few pics from the prayer walk two weeks ago:
Friday, August 4, 2017
You Can Worship With Us If You Can Find Us!–THIS SUNDAY @CENTRAL PARK 10AM
Turkeypalooza 2017
Central Park
Downtown Valpo10am
Join us as we help kick off Turkeypalooza! Our service will once again be out in the community as we worship as a community!
A Children’s Experience will be available as well.
We had a great time last Sunday with Student Worship in the Round! Check out the service at - Encounter God Online!
Turkeypalooza 2017 THIS SUNDAY!
SUNDAY, AUGUST 6th Central Park Downtown Valpo10am(Church Service) + Noon-7pm
This is the largest fund raiser for 500 Turkeys. Mark your calendar TODAY!IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO SIGN UP TO HELP! CHECK OUT THIS LINK: How Can I Help at Turkeypalooza?
What you can expect:
FREE Entry Family Friendly Event
Friday, July 21, 2017
Kairos Prison Ministry

Time to Pray!
This weekend is the Indiana State Prison Kairos Outreach.
Cookies have been baked, meals provided, and a prayer chain established as Kairos prepares to share the Good News of God’s redeeming grace with inmates at the Indiana State Prison.Whether you have signed up to pray or not, we invite you to keep Bill, the rest of the team, and the inmates in prayer throughout the weekend. Our prayers make a difference in real ways!
Support Groups at Life Bridge
Life After Loss Support Group
Wednesdays 6:30 (Basement)
This group is designed to support and help individuals through loss of any kind… the loss of a loved one, a job, really anything that throws you into a grieving process.If you have questions and/or think this may be for you, contact Gayla Little at for more information.
Single and Parent Support Group
Fridays 7pm (Cafe)
Are you a single mom and need support and encouragement? This group offers just that from women who can relate. Join them for relevant discussion and mutual encouragement.If you have questions, contact Debbie Conn at Please share child care needs with Debbie.
Friday, July 14, 2017
Encounter Student Ministry
Sunday, July 16th 1-5pm Life Bridge Cafe
Cookie Bake for Kairos Prison Ministries
Kairos Prison Ministries uses “Jesus Cookies” to help facilitate forgiveness between them and God, and between them and others. We are going to make as many cookies as possible by 5pm and have a lot of fun doing it!
Friends are welcome at all events and activities.
Student Serve Sunday – July 30th
Our students serve on the worship team, coffee bar, tech and more as we desire to allow them to explore their giftedness and give them an opportunity to experience God working through them in this way. Worship practice usually takes place the Wednesday evening before, so July 26th.
Next Student Worship – August 13th, 2017
Stories – Live One Worth Sharing
Topic: Focus
Just like with our blurry pictures, we sometimes put our focus in the wrong place. Join us as we discuss how to better focus our lives so that we can Live a Story Worth Sharing.
Friday, June 16, 2017
Celebrating Students Who “Leveled Up”
New Middle School/Jr. High Students:
Kairos Prison Outreach Opportunities!
We are still collecting cookies for Kairos through July 19th. Cookies must be made using the Kairos Cookie Recipe, approximately 2 inches in diameter and packaged 6 cookies to a baggie. They can be dropped off at Life Bridge and placed in one of the freezers. Continue to keep this ministry in prayer as outreaches and smaller follow-up studies are ongoing.
Other Ways to Participate:
- Bake Cookies
- Make Hand prints of children
- Purchase a meal ticket for feed an inmate a special meal
It's never too soon to begin making cookies!
Friday, June 9, 2017
“Leveling Up” Life Celebration
Sunday, June 11th Beginning at 4pm
It is important to take opportunities along the way to pause and celebrate not just the physical accomplishments of our kids, but also the spiritual. It is also important to prepare them for the challenges of this next stage of life, and to remind them that they are not alone; there are many people who love them and desire to help them walk with God through each challenge.This is the reason we are offering the first ever “Leveling Up” Life Celebration on Sunday, June 11th at 4pm. This will be a relaxed celebration of the families and friends of those who are “Leveling Up” in life at this time: Entering Middle School, High School, College, and Adult Life.
All are invited to celebrate and support students taking these steps.
Families with students in one of these categories wishing to participate, contact Traci Kersker at or (219) 531-7777 x11
WITW 93.5 FM is Back on the Air!
WITW 93.5 FM is back up and operating here in Valparaiso!
Our very own Frank, LBCC Worship Minister, is back on the air with his radio show "Frankly Speaking in the Morning." Tune in every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10 am til noon to hear what Frank and his guests have to share.
Tune in for music, ministry, fun, and more throughout the day.
Friday, June 2, 2017
Feed the Need This Saturday and Sunday!
Saturday, June 3rd 8am-8pm
Valpo Town & Country
Feed the Need is an annual event where we partner with Valpo Town & Country and other area churches to invite our community to join us in feeding those in need. We stand at the doors and hand out flyers that list items that are being collected. The flyers also invite them to purchase items on the list and drop them in receptacles on their way out. We organize them in the truck.
If you like to talk with people, you can serve at the doors, but if you prefer being more behind the scenes, then organizing items on the truck may be more your thing! Regardless, there is something for everyone!
Click here to sign up for Feed the Need.
Sunday, June 4th 1-5pm
Feed the Need Boxing – Life Bridge Christian Church
We will be organizing the items that have been donated to be distributed to local food pantries. Weather permitting we will be doing this on our front lawn. Volunteers should be 10 year old or older for lifting and sorting categories. Lunch is provided for volunteers.
For now, if you are interested in helping to coordinate this one day event, contact Jeni Bolton at
An Opportunity to Serve
Sara and Keith Jax…
have faithfully been serving 2 weekends a month at coffee bar for several years. They will be moving to Florida in June to be closer to family and to continue serving God there. Please take time to thank them for helping so many to feel welcome and fed! We will miss them dearly, but we are always family and the Reunion will be great!With their move that leaves opportunities to Pray, Provide and Participate at the coffee bar!
Sunday Coffee Bar is looking for volunteers:
- Prayer – Pray for those who enter our doors to feel welcomed and accepted. God uses the coffee bar and those who serve here to help make those first impressions and connections. May He be glorified!
- Provide munchies (All, especially 1st and 3rd weeks)
- Coordinate a week (3rd Week)
- Extra Hands to make coffee and prepare foods (especially 1st and 3rd Weeks)
Friday, May 26, 2017
Thanks for Clean Laundry!
Thanks to the many who helped with Laundry!
Men’s Shelter Thursday night 8pm –Friday Morning 7am
- Greeting/Set Up 7-8:30
- Host 8-midnight*
- Host midnight-4am*
- Host 4am-7amish*
- Provide, Prepare and/or Serve Breakfast **
- Laundry – Monthly
** Meals could be prepare and dropped off Thursday night – crockpots, overnight casseroles, etc.