Tuesdays 11:30 AM
This week’s topic: The Bible
Are you a woman feeling like you are stuck in one of life’s ruts? You hear talk of an abundant life in Christ, and victory over sinful patterns, but it seems to elude you? Maybe this group is for you.
It is not a 12 step program. It is not a counseling program. This is more than a study group.
It’s purpose is to be join together in the pursuit of God, or the “Higher Power”, and the life that He has for each of us. We will use God’s Word as our foundation, and strive to let His truth change us from the inside out.
We will begin at the Beginning. God will be leading the process. Along the way we will encourage one another in a grace filled environment, so that we can become the women that God calls us to be and experience the abundant life He has planned.
Your friends are welcome. Your doubts are welcome. Your questions are welcome. Come with an open heart and see where God leads.
This will follow the Garden Walk Path and be tailored to those participating. Meeting time is 11:30 Tuesdays. Have questions? Please contact Traci Kersker at Traci@LifeBridgeAlive.com or call (219) 531-7777x11