Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Making the Most of Christ-Mas!

I just looked up what the suffix "mas" means.  So Christmas literally means a festival or mass in celebration of Christ.  Family Ministry has two ways to help your family get even more out of your celebration of Christ this holiday season!

1. The Sparkle Box
The Sparkle Box is both a story and a creative way for you and your family to stay focused on Christ this season by giving gifts to Jesus.  As you give gifts to Jesus by caring for those less fortunate or choosing to treat others like you want to be treated, you put a paper in the Sparkle Box!  Share your gifts with Jesus on Christmas morning!

Resources are being distributed through Children’s Ministry, but all families are invited to participate.  Resources are available at the Welcome Center!

We will be providing opportunities to give gifts to Jesus throughout December.  Here's how:

To empower you and your children as you strive to give gifts to Jesus this season, Children’s Ministry will be offering weekly opportunities throughout the month.  Here are some of the things we will be doing:

1. All Children's Ministry offerings collected in December will go to purchasing Christian radios and literature for persecuted Christians in Columbia which will be distributed using parachutes the kids have helped to make.
2. All shampoos received will go to residents of Housing Opportunities.
3. We will work on completing the Parachutes for Columbia.
4. We may even make some blankets that will be used for the Christmas program and then donated to those in need.  Double gifts for Jesus!

Kids will receive papers for their Sparkle Box each week.  Add to that whatever other activities your family or child does.  Enjoy looking for creative ways to give gifts to God.

2. The Family Christmas Program ~ December 22nd 6pm
One of the gifts that we give to Jesus is the use of the gifts that He has given us… talents, resources, time, etc.

The Family Christmas Program requires the giftedness of the body of Christ… drama, music, sets, tech, video, props, and much more!

If you are interested in making this one of your gifts to Jesus this season, then contact Traci Kersker at 219-531-7777 ext 11.  There are still openings for adult actors as well as help with props, costumes, and sets for all ages.

Children's Practice is Sundays from 2-4pm (K-5th Grade); 
(2years - PreK) Sundays at 9:30 and 11:00am
Student Practice is Wednesdays from 6-8pm

Adult Practice is TBD  Still looking for 3M and 1 M/F!


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