When discussing Finding the Need on the 29th we were trying to figure out where and who God wants us to serve in ministry. 4 questions were asked& discussed...
1. Where is your heart?
Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
2. Where is the need?
Philippians 2:4 Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.
3. What gifts/talents has God gifted you?
1 Peter 4:10 As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace:
4. What skills/talents have you learned or acquired in your life?
1 Timothy 4:6-16 - A Good Servant of Christ Jesus
God has a plan for you and your life. Follow Him and He will lead.
We are all called to do something different because the answers to the questions above are different. I want to share a story with you about what my friend Cindy was called to do.
My ex-boyfriend, her son, was murdered May 15, 2009 by who we can only assume was someone involved with drugs. The man knocked on the wrong door looking for someone else and in an instant, Jeremy saved 3 other people and died doing it. Their forgiveness of the man who killed him fueled the desire to reach out and minister to those who's lives have been derailed by drugs and addiction knowing that this is exactly what Jeremy would have done. Many have changed their ways and accepted Christ all over the country and even as far as Africa. Here is a story she shared today called The 79cent Bible.
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Jeremy & I 7/4/07 |
"I received a call from a sweet lady who set out to bless me by paying 79cents for a bible at a resale shop because it had a story about my son it and my #.
She set out to bless me and that sweet act of kindness opened the flood gates of Heaven. As we spoke God told me to bless her. He laid it on my heart to do a fundraiser concert for her ministry. And in turn God is blessing me. You see when I called her back she said honey I am glad you just called I got one girl that comes in here she is 17 and she ain't nothing but trouble she just came in and I opened this little bible up to your sons story and I told her now you just sit there and read this. And she is sitting there crying like a baby reading about Jeremy! I took bibles to her little room where she takes in at risk kids and tutors them, takes them on Field Trips. And just shares Christ Love. When I got there she asked me to share Jeremys story they were 1st grade through high school. I got to speak to them about drugs and about how much Jesus loves us and about forgiveness!! These kids captured my heart!! One little 1st grade boy came to me he looked at me and said" you don't hate that man who shot your son" and I told him cant Because Jesus loves him and he asked me to love him because HE forgives us like we forgive others. He looked at me and said "I get it , it is like there is a bully at school who is mean and I shouldn't hate him should I " ? And I said. That is exactly right!! Then all kids asked me could they read me something out of the bible I gave them. It was amazing to see them want to read the bible. One little boy held his bible and read John 3:16 then he smiled at me and said. Really I didn't read it I remembered it!!!! They all came over and hugged me and loved me. The 17 year old who was in trouble a lot came over and held me and cried she said I am sorry they killed your son. A young lady came over and side my brother was in a rehab up near Tennessee she said you should go there and tell them the story . So I called them and they want me to come and a little bit later I got another call from a rehab in Indiana that is a sister rehab to that place who wants me to come and speak and is God would have it I just happen to be heading to Indiana so they invited me to come out in speak and to put me up for the night because it's about 6 hours out of my way the Lord willing I'll be there. Gods blessing of love poured all over me, You see every time I go to give I get blessed much more than I ever give!! There was a note in the bible she bought it was one that I take to a gun pawn shop and they give them out for me free. I have no idea how many people were impacted by it from the pawn shop to the retail shop but its pages were well worn. So this little Bible I gave away free later sold for $0.79 and is literally impacting hundreds of lives from one simple act of kindness and one little Bible!!!! Wow I just thought is something No Greater Love have given over 6000 bibles away . Just imagine the stories each one of them could tell. Some day we will have eternity to learn about the lives each one has touched!! I just got goose bumps. God is so good !!!!!" Cindy Higgins - No Greater Love Ministries John 15:13
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Higgins Family 7/4/07 |
I hope this blessed you in some way. We hope to see you at Ministry Monday some day soon.
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