Worship Arts

In the Worship Arts Team we have been seeing some new faces over the last couple of months! We want to welcome Andrew Wachsmann and Christian Burns to Keys. There have also been some new faces on the Tech side of Worship Arts. Welcome Artur Wachsmann helping out on camera, Misha Wachsmann serving on Sound board, Chuck Mudd on Sound Board with his wife Gina Mudd sitting next to him on visuals. Way to serve together Chuck & Gina!
Pamper Night
Welcome Sarah Watson who is serving as co-coordinator with Jeni Bolton for Pamper Night this
year. Pamper Night desires to pamper women who have escaped domestic violence by helping them to see the beauty within them. Sarah is passionate about helping people feel good about themselves and sharing God's love through her giftedness.
If you or someone you know shares Sarah's passion and would like to help with Pamper Night, stop Sarah or Jeni on Sunday! There are opportunities for everyone!

If you are looking for a place to plug into here at Life Bridge, we want to help you. We care very much about helping you to find a place where you can enjoy building up the body with your unique gifts and passions. To learn more stop by the Welcome Center or mark your Connect Card.
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