Valentine's Day
What can be said but, "Wow!"
Such a great evening from the moment that people arrived at transformed Life Bridge: women were welcomed with carnations, everyone had their pictures taken at a photo station as a keepsake, great food was served by Student Ministry and entertainment with music and trivia games created a warm, welcoming environment filled with laughter. What else could you add to such an evening? God, that's what and He was there!
At the beginning of the evening Tim Qualkenbush, Coordinator of Toolbox Ministries, welcomed everyone and thanked them for their support. In attending they were supporting improvements on our building. As Tim shared just some of the ways that God uses our facility, I simply thought, "Wow." and I know all these thing happen, but I don't often step back and look at all God does here in this building and through this local body. Here is the list that he shared:
- Ministries such as the Coffee Bar for Sunday worship which allows us to worship in a more relaxed atmosphere.
- 500 Turkeys which uses every inch of this building to reach out to the community and feed 1000 families
- The Clothing Pantry which helps clothe the community
- The Men's Shelter Ministry which gives shelter to the homeless men in the community
- Operation Christmas Child Ministry which sends packages to children around the world
- Pamper Night which treats battered Women and Children to a very special day
- Cancer Support Group Meeting
- Numerous Bible Studies, Worship Groups
- We even have a large group of college kids that meet in the basement on Monday nights.

What did God do through this Dinner?
- God worked through every person there to raise over $975 to continue improvements on the building - completion of the baptistry, insulating the worship center, and more.
- Even on a terribly snowy night over 40 people were able to attended
- God worked through wonderful adult volunteers and Students to prepare and serve the meal and to create a wonderful, loving environment on this Valentine Day!
Thanks for letting God work through you in this way!
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