Operation Christmas Child Wraps Up Their Year!
The Operation Christmas Child Team thanks everyone who has participated this year in supplying items for the shoeboxes, financial donations, and support of events such as the Rummage No-Sale, Craft/Work Night, and OCC Boxing Night.One hundred shoe boxes have been packed and are ready to be prayed over this Sunday. Then they will begin their trek to places around the world to share God’s love with kids.
Take some time to read some stories that show the impact that these shoe boxes have had on the lives of kids to this point. Remember to pray for the kids that will be receiving boxes this year – boxes you have helped provide for, have packed, and/or have supported financially. Imagine what God is going to do!
Click here to check out some stories that show the impact that these shoe boxes are making around the world.
Fall Work Day!
A dozen people came out to help work around the building and grounds to help prepare for winter. Often it seems that not much needs to be done. I showed up for work day planning to work on the project assigned to the student ministry – raking leaves. I looked around with some students to access what needed to be done. My comment to them was to the effect of “Okay, we’ll knock this out and then see what else needs to be done.” Well over 3 hours later and a full dumpster of leaves, we finished. Projects often look smaller than they are and we don’t always recognize their impact until we get on the other side of things. Thanks to all who offered their time and talents on our Fall Work Day. Your time and sacrifices have helped to create a more welcoming environment, made more room in our worship area for our holiday activities, and generally cared for what God has entrusted to us.
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