In Concert provided opportunities for people to share a variety of God-given talents. A huge thanks goes out to all who performed, provided munchies, or worked behind the scenes to make things possible. Thanks also goes out to all who attended and invited friends and family.
Eighteen people participated in our Spring Spruce Up working around the building and on the grounds. Dry wall was hung, branches picked up, toys cleaned, and much more. Thanks to all for helping to make our building and grounds a welcoming environment.
That covers the surface of what took place and maybe you struggle to see God in this. At In Concert we had performers of all ages at varying stages in their walks with God. While acknowledging God as the Giver of their talents is one step, using their talents for His glory, learning from others’ examples in how they do this, and seeing how God wants to use their gifts to make a difference in someone else’s life are all a part of the process of growing in our walk together with God.
It doesn’t stop here. As people work and serve side by side they build trust relationships. There are opportunities to ask questions of those further down the Path… questions you struggle with about God, family, faith, and more. Saturday’s Spring Spruce Up was no exception on this front. God worked through casual conversations and purposeful conversations to draw people closer to Him.
Did you think it was all about putting on a show or raking some leaves? Not at all. Shows entertain for a short time and leaves will decompose. The lessons learned of God’s unique giftedness and using talents to His glory and for His purposes… the conversations that happen as people work side by side and the impact those can have on lives… for today and for eternity… that’s what it is all about.
If that is what it is all about, then God is definitely visible and active among us! All praise and glory to God for how He has made us and how He works in us and through us to accomplish His purposes!
God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. Do you have the gift of speaking? Then speak as though God himself were speaking through you. Do you have the gift of helping others? Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies. Then everything you do will bring glory to God through Jesus Christ. All glory and power to him forever and ever! Amen. (1 Peter 4:10-11)
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