Friday, June 29, 2012

Two New Brothers - One Great Day

"I'm ready to be baptized."  That was his statement.  Doug had read all the Scriptures and wanted to accept Jesus as his Savior and Lord.  He wanted to go down into the waters and have his sins "washed away."  He was ready.

We met at lake Wauhob, walked past the bluegill and minnow, and baptized him into Christ. What a great day!  

But, he wasn't alone.

Chris was in a completely different place.  He was experiencing God at a Christ in Youth conference in Holland, Michigan.  He had been wrestling with the desire to be baptized for over a year now.  They had a swimming pool there.  "Look, there's water!  What's to prevent me from going now?"  It was time.

Two new brothers.
One great day.
Imagine life differently.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Ministry of "OK"

Last night, I found myself in a "stuff" meeting with other coordinators at Life Bridge.  We have different types of meetings each Monday, depending on the week of the month.  Some are for details.  Some are for long-term planning.  Others, still, are for evaluating the ministry effectiveness.  This last one was the focus of yesterday's time.

We spent the entire evening simply asking the question, "What are we celebrating that God is doing?"  The question spurred a time of excellent reflection.  Some of the answers came from ministries that are going on today.  Some of the celebrations came from ministries that occurred years ago, but we are seeing some of the results today.  There was one "ministry," however, that really caught my attention.

Monday, June 25, 2012

A Student's Walk

Yesterday we brought some of the CIY students up front as a part of the church service.  We prayed for them.  Last evening, I was around during the student ministry time together.  I enjoyed watching them hanging out, playing games, and growing closer to God through worship & Scripture.  They are learning how to be men and women of God.

Today the CIY group gathered together here at the building and went out on their trip.  We prayed together before they left.  

I see God at work in them.  Some of them are facing some pretty big stuff in their lives.  God is bigger.  I'm praying that they see Him in big, awesome, powerful ways this week.  I'm praying it doesn't stop there.  I'm asking God to make them into Kingdom Workers.  Will you pray for that, too?

"The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." (Luke 10:2 NIV)

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Saturday Mornings

Pulling into the parking lot this morning, I knew I wasn't alone at the church building.  Cars (and a Harley) were all lined up.  I walked in at about 7:45 this morning to this group of men sitting around tables talking. They were catching up on their week. 

We got a pot of coffee brewing, then dove into our Bibles. We're here to become men of God.

Friday, June 22, 2012

My Three

It's not difficult to have a "God Sighting" when you're sitting on a beach enjoying a beautiful sunset with the love of your life.  Traci and I didn't have to say much. We could both sense it. God was there.  Thinking over the past couple of days, though, that Sabbath-rest quiet time brought the real God Sighting to mind: my "three."

So Many Sightings...

It's been a busy week around the Life Bridge part of the Body of Christ.  I'm encouraged by all the work God is doing in and through His people.

I could talk about the Men's Groups that are meeting at various times and various places to encourage and challenge guys to "man up" and be men of God.

I could mention the Porter County Fair, where plans continue, meetings are happening (Saturdays @ 11am),  letters have been sent out, and churches are responding.

I could detail the schedule-filled Sundays with worship services, children's ministry, builder's prayer/share/care time, and student ministry that paused in the afternoon for father's day so all the dads would be honored by their families - just like we did for the moms a month ago.

I could bring up the team of coordinators who meet Monday evenings to keep the Body connected with one another while they coordinate their individual ministries as though they are working for God and not for men.

I could take pictures of the Small Groups that meet on Tuesday evening, Wednesday evening, Wednesday mid-week service or Thursday evening + worship team practice.  But that would leave out Life Tree Cafe that takes place Friday evening.

I could take video of the students playing "Ultimate Frisbee" on Wednesday evenings in the park before their Bible study.

I could praise God every Thursday night throughout the summer for the weekly reminder that we are housing the homeless just as He said.  I could also jump for joy for the tireless workers who man each shift, the faithful servants who prepare and serve food, and the behind-the-scenes workers who set up, tear down, and launder the linens for their beds.

I could be excited about the land payment that was made, the mowing that was done, and His provision for a place to Worship him for now and in the future.

I could...but there are just so many sightings and so little time.

I'll just Praise God for all that is happening.  Yeah, that's what I'll do.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A New Sister

They met for an hour at a table in the cafe.  
She decided it was time.  Kim Jacobs wanted to be baptized.  
Traci shared the news with our small group.  
Kim took her son home to tuck him into bed.  
We drove down to Kouts.  We got a new sister in Christ!  
Congratulations Kim!  Welcome to the family!!!

Being One

Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. (1 Corinthians 12:12 NIV)
Nearly 120 letters went out today.  They went to every church we could find across all Christian Denominations in Porter County.  
I told the leaders that I am praying for them and their communities.  I also invited them to pray for one another as well.  We also offered the opportunity to join together at the Porter County Fair this year.
God says we are all connected.  Perhaps this will help us "connect" a little more.
Lord, let us be one.

Monday, June 11, 2012


A couple months ago, soon after we held some vision meetings, we had a technology fallout.  Our church contact database got corrupted.  Our two websites ( and got taken down. Our ability to post weekend services was lost.
God knew what He was doing, though.  As we rebuild each system, we are able to increase the quality of each.  We're rebuilding the web sites.  Our daily devotions, blogs, and a new newsletter are going out. Now, we can enjoy worship services on Youtube!  This makes it easier to watch on any electronic device.  
Go God!  Thank you for our new online worship!!!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Prayer, Share, & Care

The people in the cafe on Sunday afternoons aren't paid to be there. They're not spiritual giants.  They don't have the Bible memorized.
They do, however, desire to build up the Body of Christ. Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. (1 Corinthians 12:27 NIV)

So, they get together and pray for you. They learn how to better share God's Word.  They grow stronger in their own walk.

They build up The Body because they care.

Saturday, June 9, 2012


It doesn't look like there's much to it, but this little water valve is designed to keep our pipes from exploding.  It releases water when the pressure gets too high.  Well, the valve finally gave way on this older building and started dripping & spraying water out.

What is the God sighting?

Friday, June 8, 2012

All God's Creatures

A little over a week ago we noticed signs of visitors we weren't prepared to serve!  Thanks to Keith Feyenberger lending his traps and Keith Jax setting them, we relocated four of these little creatures to a home outside...where they are better suited to worship God anyway. ;-)
There seems to be unanimous consent not to keep any of them as pets.  Some have suggested, though, that we have a new mascot.

God Sightings

sight noun \ˈsÄ«t\ 1) something that is seen
God noun \ˈgäd also ˈgȯd\  1) the supreme or ultimate reality as the Being perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshipped as creator and ruler of the universe

God Sighting 1)The recognition of God at work in and through His creation.
Do you see God at work in you - transforming you into the person He designed?
Do you see God at work through you - building up His body in love?

A healthy church allows God to...
work in them and
work through them.

When we walk with God, He works in us transforming our lives.
When we walk together, He works through us to be a blessing to others.

How Many Sightings?

God is at work in us, though us, and all around us.

He is the Creator of the heavens and the earth.  He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. (Colossians 1:17 NIV)  Often times, though, we simply don't see Him.  We become complacent with the daily sunrise and forget the Eternal beauty in a simple act of kindness.

We need remind ourselves to pause and see God at work.

eMinistry V1.0

Ministry has changed dramatically since the invention of the telegraph, telephone, television, and microchip.  Sitting at a kitchen table sharing a cup of coffee had been replaced with chat rooms, instant messaging, texts, tweets, and status updates.  While the electronic age has its drawbacks, God is also at work through electronic media all around us.