My Three
It's not difficult to have a "God Sighting" when you're sitting on a beach enjoying a beautiful sunset with the love of your life. Traci and I didn't have to say much. We could both sense it. God was there. Thinking over the past couple of days, though, that Sabbath-rest quiet time brought the real God Sighting to mind: my "three."
When working with people in leadership development, I often like to point out that Jesus didn't have the same relationship with every one of his disciples. He selected twelve who would be separated from the rest and called Apostles. Three of them (Peter, James, and John) were closer still. Jesus worked with "concentric circles" of friends.
Becca @ her new job! |
My "three" are the ones closest to me in this life: Traci, my wife, and my children; Becca, Manda, and Josh. God gave me some special time with each of them this week. Starting with father's day, we had time together as a group. Then throughout the week we each had moments when we were able to talk one on one, encourage one another, and enjoy building our relationships just a little bit stronger.
I love my family. I enjoy spending time with them. Traci is my best friend in this world. My children are the greatest gifts I've ever been given. It was a blessing to enjoy one another, working through life together, with them.
That's my God sighting: my three.
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