Friday, December 18, 2015
Stars and Wars
Disney has a lot riding on this one. They are hoping that the attempt to revitalize the Star Wars franchise will bode well for them. Everything was positioned to reach out to older (like me) and newer (like my daughter) audiences and bring in big money as a result. They expect opening weekend to bring in around $200MM with a total worldwide, movie-long sales nearing $2 Billion. Not bad for a business move. It just might work.
Christmas Happenings!!
Sunday, December 20th 6pm – Family Christmas Program: Good News Flash
Monday, December 21st 6pm at Life Bridge – Christmas Caroling Downtown
Tuesday, December 22nd 6:30pm – Making It Real Midweek (Tuesday Night Group): Friends Celebrating the True Meaning of Christmas. This small group time will help us enjoy the season with our extended family.
Thursday, December 24th 11:00pm – Candlelight Service
Sunday, December 27th 9 & 11am – Conclusion of “Searching for God” Series
Christmas Caroling
Student All Night New Year’s Eve Party
How shall we do this? With video games, board games, pool table, and lots of food of course! Maybe a surprise or two along the way.
When: Thursday, December 31st, 2015 6pm – Friday, January 1st, 2016 8am
”Garden Wok” Sit and Savor Lunch
Chinese Buffet Sunday, January 3rd immediately following 2nd service
Student Christmas Party in Review!
G"love" Your Neighbor
G"love" Your Neighbor Box
Do you have extra gloves, scarves, or hats? Drop them off in the G"love" Your Neighbor Box at the Ministry Counter!Do you need a pair of gloves, a scarf, or hat? Feel free to take what you need!
Just another way to meet one another’s needs.
(Only a little ironic that it is nearly 60 degrees out... but it won't stay that way!)
Friday, December 11, 2015
Blog Posts, Deer, Drums and an Unstoppable God
G"love" Your Neighbor
G"love" Your Neighbor Box
Do you have extra gloves, scarves, or hats? Drop them off in the G"love" Your Neighbor Box at the Ministry Counter!Do you need a pair of gloves, a scarf, or hat? Feel free to take what you need!
Just another way to meet one anothers' needs.
(Only a little ironic that it is nearly 60 degrees out... but it won't stay that way!)
Christmas Caroling
Monday, December 21st 6pm
Meet at Life Bridge
Join us for some caroling fun in downtown Valpo!Join us afterwards in the cafe to warm up with a Hot Chocolate Bar. Cookie and treat donations to share are appreciated!
Ongoing Events

Greenhouse Café
M-Th Holiday Hours Beginning Dec 1 Noon-5pm through the holidays
Enjoy a relaxing environment to work or meet with others at Life Bridge’s Café!Mondays
- Ministry Mondays 6:30-8pm meets to be purposeful in developing our serving skills and to coordinate ministry efforts. All are welcome.
- IV (Intentional Valparaiso) is a small group for post-High School and young adults from all over Northwest Indiana. They meet at Life Bridge on Mondays from 8:30pm-10ish.
- Tuesday Midweek Bible Study Potluck Dinner at 6:30 followed by studies for children, students, and adults! Current study: "Imagine" Deeper
- NO Faith-Based Cancer Support Group (taking a break through the holidays) (regularly meets 2nd & 4th Wednesdays at Life Bridge 6:30-8pm) *
- NO Questions? Bible Study (taking a break through the holidays) 7pm *
- Worship Arts Bible Study and Band Practice Thursdays 6:30-9pm
Friday, December 4, 2015
Clean Whiteboard
I love whiteboards. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t love whiteboards like I love my children, love my wife, or love God. But still, I love whiteboards. There’s something about a whiteboard that communicates, “Let’s collaborate. Let’s imagine. Let’s plan.” Some of the people at Life Bridge are convinced that my last name, Kersker, is just the German word for whiteboard. (Actually, the German word for whiteboard is “Weißwandtafel.” I looked it up.)
Sit and Savor Lunch This Sunday!
Sunday December 6th immediately following 2nd Service.
This months theme is truly potluck! Bring a favorite dish, dessert, salad, or simply yourself! These are great opportunities to invite friends and make some new ones as you mix and get to know others here at Life Bridge. What better way to welcome the coming holidays and winter than with a timeless potluck get together!
Family Christmas Program Goes Full Swing!
It’s not too late for children to participate in the Christmas program! Join us on this Sunday, December 6th, from 2-4pm!
There are opportunities to participate on stage with music or drama, as well as behind the scenes with stage, sets, sound, camera, videography, costumes, and more. This is a great way to give a gift to Christ and so many others this Christmas season as we share the Good News of Christ in a fun and creative way.
Mark your calendars now. Participating in events such as these give you an opportunity to encounter God through the giftedness He has blessed you with, and the people with whom you work side by side; but it doesn’t stop there, you are also creating opportunities for others to Encounter God as they hear the message! Be a part of something special this season!
You can communicate your interest by contacting Traci Kersker ( or Frank Guzzo ( directly.
Friday, November 27, 2015
Distractions, Thanksgiving, and Worship
My focus throughout this week has been worship. I taught about it on Sunday (and even got to play a little bit of drums), wrote about it all week, and have focused on it throughout each day. I’ve been quite purposeful about drawing near to God at the beginning of each day and doing whatever was necessary to stay there throughout the day. It’s been a great week.
November has been a big month…
Leading off with International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church
We learned about and prayed for those far and near, who are suffering physically for their faith, yet rejoicing as hope is shared and Christ is embraced in the middle of persecution. The most powerful weapon in our arsenal is prayer and we joined forces with brothers and sisters around the world to pray for their families, their persecutors, their strength, their endurance, and for their battle to not be in vain.Continue to pray and celebrate what God is doing with the Monthly Prayer Calendar. Pick up a brochure at the Ministry Counter or subscribe to have them delivered to your email weekly.
You can visit this page to read Prayer Updates.
Operation Christmas Child
Family Christmas Program Goes Full Swing!
Sunday, November 29th Begins Children and Student Practices!
Christmas is right around the corner! This year our Family Christmas Program will take place on Sunday, December 20th at 6pm.
There are opportunities to participate on stage with music or drama, as well as behind the scenes with stage, sets, sound, camera, videography, costumes, and more. This is a great way to give a gift to Christ and so many others this Christmas season as we share the Good News of Christ in a fun and creative way.
Sit and Savor Lunch
Sunday December 6th immediately following 2nd Service.
This months theme is truly potluck! Bring a favorite dish, dessert, salad, or simply yourself! These are great opportunities to invite friends and make some new ones as you mix and get to know others here at Life Bridge. What better way to welcome the coming holidays and winter than with a timeless potluck get together!
Christianity and Islam
What do we know about Islam?
How does it match with Christianity?
Explore these and other questions - Sundays 6:30pm.
- 6:00 Coffee & Munchies
- 6:30-8:00 Study led by Frank Guzzo
Ongoing Events

Greenhouse Café
M-Th Holiday Hours Beginning Dec 1 Noon-5pm through the holidays
Enjoy a relaxing environment to work or meet with others at Life Bridge’s Café!Mondays
- Ministry Mondays 6:30-8pm meets to be purposeful in developing our serving skills and to coordinate ministry efforts. All are welcome.
- IV (Intentional Valparaiso) is a small group for post-High School and young adults from all over Northwest Indiana. They meet at Life Bridge on Mondays from 8:30pm-10ish.
- Tuesday Midweek Bible Study Potluck Dinner at 6:30 followed by studies for children, students, and adults! Current study: "Imagine" Deeper
- NO Faith-Based Cancer Support Group (taking a break through the holidays) (regularly meets 2nd & 4th Wednesdays at Life Bridge 6:30-8pm) *
- NO Questions? Bible Study (taking a break through the holidays)7pm Bring your questions about God and Faith as you study 1 Thessalonians. *
- Worship Arts Bible Study and Band Practice Thursdays 6:30-9pm
Friday, November 20, 2015
Travelling, Shopping, and Giving Thanks
Today I find myself in Mishawaka, IN because the Sam's Club here had a pre-Black Friday deal I wanted to take advantage on a piece of technology (surprise, surprise) this year. As we are grocery and Life Bridge shopping for the week, I am being reminded of all the holiday activity that is about to begin.
- 500 Turkeys just bought 1100 turkeys to distribute to families this weekend. Praise God!
- Pie Night at Life Bridge is this Wednesday already. We get to invite friends, enjoy good pie, and be thankful together.
- Thanksgiving day and Black Friday will be taking us to Cincinnati (Lord be willing) to be with family.
- This Sunday and next we get to enjoy being with our Life Bridge family.
I'm thanking God right now for the many, many blessings He pours out on us. You are among those blessings, so I'm thanking God for you.
Happy Thanksgiving
24n Hour Prayer Vigil Begin TODAY!
24 Hours of Prayer
Friday, November 20th 2pm – Saturday, November 21st 2pm
It is time for the most important part of our Thanksgiving/Christmas outreaches… It’s time to pray!While I know that much prayer has gone into projects like 500 Turkeys, Operation Christmas Child, and upcoming events such as our Thanksgiving Eve Pie Night and Christmas Programs/Services; as these events move from our hands into the hands of those receiving boxes [both of food (500 Turkeys) and care items, toys, and more (OCC)], and invitations, we need to pray.
We need to pray for:
500 Turkeys Distribution THIS WEEKEND!
Meal Gift Distribution Days
Saturday, November 21st 11am-6pm
Sunday, November 22nd 2-6pm
Location: Valparaiso Nazarene ChurchThere are still opportunities to participate this weekend with 500 Turkeys.
Over these 2 days we will share the collected food with 1000 families. 300 volunteers are needed to help our guests feel welcome and loved throughout the day.
Come be part of the blessing!
Click this link to sign up: Meal Gift Distribution Sign Up
Thanksgiving Eve Pie Night
Wednesday, November
25th 6-7:30pm(ish)
Life Bridge Christian Church
Start off your Thanksgiving weekend with DESSERT!What can you expect?
- To begin with, lots of desserts – apple pies, pumpkin pies, cream pies…. you name it, we are likely to have it!
- We will also have a time of sharing together – thankful things, memorable happenings, and more.
“I will teach you hidden lessons from our past—stories we have heard and known, stories our ancestors handed down to us. We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the LORD, about His power and His mighty wonders… So each generation should set its hope anew on God, not forgetting His glorious miracles and obeying His commands.” (Psalms 78:2b-4,7 NLT)
“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18 NIV)
Family Christmas Program
Sunday, December 20th 6pm
Christmas is right around the corner! This year our Family Christmas Program will take place on Sunday, December 20th at 6pm.
Begin praying and considering yours and/or your family’s involvement. There are opportunities to participate on stage with music or drama, as well as behind the scenes with stage, sets, sound, camera, videography, costumes, and more. This is a great way to give a gift to Christ and so many others this Christmas season as we share the Good News of Christ in a fun and creative way.
Christianity and Islam Resumes this Sunday
What do we know about Islam?
How does it match with Christianity?
Explore these and other questions continuing this Sunday, November 22nd.
- 6:00 Coffee & Munchies
- 6:30-8:00 Study led by Frank Guzzo
Ongoing Events

- Ministry Mondays 6:30-8pm meets to be purposeful in developing our serving skills and to coordinate ministry efforts. All are welcome.
- IV (Intentional Valparaiso) is a small group for post-High School and young adults from all over Northwest Indiana. They meet at Life Bridge on Mondays from 8:30pm-10ish.
- Tuesday Midweek Bible Study Potluck Dinner at 6:30 followed by studies for children, students, and adults! Current study: "Imagine" Deeper
Friday, November 13, 2015
A Better Top
Traci has been working with different groups of people on a project. She took old CD’s and DVD’s we had left over at Life Bridge, painted them, added a marble and plastic cap to them, turning them into tops. They’re really cool. They spin much longer than any top I remember having as a child. They handle resistance better, the connection to the ground is more stable, and, best of all, we built them using materials we already had available to us. So, they spin and spin and spin and spin. These tops will be one of the many gifts we send overseas through Operation Christmas Child.
500 Turkeys Boxing This Week!
Clothes N Prayers Set Up Saturday, November 14th 1-7PM
Please sign up to help sort, fold & organize clothes that will be given away during distribution days or stop by Valpo Nazarene Church to help out. Clothing is yet another way to bless those who may have need this season.
Operation Christmas Child Wraps Up Their Year!
The Operation Christmas Child Team thanks everyone who has participated this year in supplying items for the shoeboxes, financial donations, and support of events such as the Rummage No-Sale, Craft/Work Night, and OCC Boxing Night.One hundred shoe boxes have been packed and are ready to be prayed over this Sunday. Then they will begin their trek to places around the world to share God’s love with kids.
Ongoing Events

- Ministry Mondays 6:30-8pm meets to be purposeful in developing our serving skills and to coordinate ministry efforts. All are welcome.
- IV (Intentional Valparaiso) is a small group for post-High School and young adults from all over Northwest Indiana. They meet at Life Bridge on Mondays from 8:30pm-10ish.
- Tuesday Midweek Bible Study Potluck Dinner at 6:30 followed by studies for children, students, and adults! Current study: "Imagine" Deeper
Friday, November 6, 2015
Preaching To The Choir
This past week, I had a greater number of comments than usual after a Sunday morning service. Some folks talked to me directly about what I had said. Others avoided eye contact. I could tell God was working through the Scriptures and the words that were said. One person said, “Your message today was…timely.” Clearly, God was at work.
Celebrating What God Is Doing!
Kairos is at Westville Correctional This Weekend!
- Pray for the team - that they will speak boldly and clearly for God.
- Pray for the inmates - that their hearts will be fertile soil for the Word of God.
- Pray for the ongoing efforts of Kairos with the Indiana State Prison outreach from last month - that God’s work continues.
OCC Boxing Night
Friday, October 30, 2015
In The Garden Again
I’m feeling a very real sense of peace again. I’ve been asking God, “Why?” I know, it seems strange to be asking God that question, when experiencing something like peace. Shouldn’t I just accept it and thank God for it? Well, I have and I did. But then I followed up with my question.
The Gift of Giving This Halloween!
OCC Craft & Work Night
TONIGHT! Friday, October 30thThe Gift of Giving This Halloween! 
Attention everyone! Like to make things or assemble things?This family friendly night is for you!
Kids (and adults!) are welcome to wear costumes. While there will be special treats for all, this evening is about giving to kids (and through them, to families) around the world.
Invite family and friends to join in the fun and to be a part of making a difference!
Activities will range from making simple crafts (stress balls and tops) and assembling coloring books to writing notes to recipients for Operation Christmas Child boxes.
Next upcoming OCC Event:
OCC Shoebox Packing on November 11th 6:30-8:00
THIS SUNDAY! Sit and Savor Luncheon November 1st!
A Time of Prayer and Worship
International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church
Sunday November 1st
Come... Worship... Learn... and Pray...Be Inspired…Leave boldly walking with God and celebrating the BIG God we serve!
Do you remember what I told you? 'A slave is not greater than the master.' Since they persecuted Me, naturally they will persecute you. And if they had listened to Me, they would listen to you. (John 15:20 NLT)
Kairos Jesus Cookie Pick Up Wednesday, November 4th

Cookies will be picked up Wednesday Nov. 4th!
Kairos Prison Ministry's Fall Outreaches will be taking place in just a couple of weeks for the Westville Correctional. Here are just a couple ways you can support Kairos' efforts:- Sign up online for a time slot in the prayer vigil for Westville Correctional Center November 5-8, 2015.
- Bake cookies and freeze them. Premeasured flour bags are available at the Ministry Counter while supplies last. (Each weekend service to a prison requires 3500-5000 DOZEN cookies! Special recipe required.)
Kairos Cookie Preparation
Since the cookies will be taken into a prison, there are some very rigid requirements that must be followed. Every cookie is inspected before it is allowed in the facility, and any that are over sized, broken, or stuck together must be removed. These instructions for Kairos cookies are very important!
The No-No's for Kairos Cookie Preparation:
Do Not add icing, powdered sugar or any other topping or coating on the outside.

Do Not use pre-made, dry, refrigerated or frozen cookie dough. The impact of agape love felt from homemade cookies is overwhelming when the inmates realize the sacrifice of time in mixing and baking cookies from scratch.
Do Not use butter or margarine. The ones made with butter break easily.
Do Not bring bought or no-bake cookies. Do Not use raisins or nuts.
The size should be 2" diameter or the lid of a Pringles canister.
PLEASE BAKE ONLY CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES USING THE RECIPE BELOW! (and this recipe will help prevent breakage of the cookies)
Cool! Cool! Cool ... each cookie thoroughly. Chocolate chip cookies tkae a long time to cool completely.
Bag thoroughly cooled cookies in a sandwich sized, press zip type bag. (NO bags with tab sliders) FYI - when you bag the cookies please put them standing on end (like coins in a toll or lifesavers). This makes for easier packing and transporting.
6 Cookies per bag and freeze them.
Jesus Cookies (Basic Cookie Dough Recipe - Makes 5 dozen)
1 cup Crisco
1 cup granulated sugar
2 tsp vanilla
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
1 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
2 3/4 cups flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 1/2 cups chocolate chips
Cream shortening and sugar until fluffy. add eggs one at a time. Sift dry ingredients and add to creamed mixture. Beat in vanilla. Add chocolate chips. Drop onto cookie sheets by spoonfuls. Bake at 325 degrees until medium to dark brown (From 13-20 minutes). Cookies should be 2 - 2 1/2 inches in diameter (Size of a Pringles lid).
The Key Ingredient: Prayer. Pray individually or as a family over the ingredients before and during mixing. Pray over the cookies as you drop them onto the cookie sheets and bake the, Ask God to use your cookies as a source of His love to shine on the prosoners and staff on the Kairos weekend. Pray that each cookie brings the inmate, officer, or warden who eats it closer to God. We want every person to become part of the family of God.
Fall Work Day
500 Turkeys
This weekend is your last chance to drop off carrots!Nominations:
While all 1000 meals have been claimed, there is still opportunity to get on the waiting list. Many families on the waiting list receive meals. opportunities to participate with 500 Turkeys:
There are many opportunities to participate in making the mission of 500 Turkeys successful:- Food Drop Off (Nov 7th) Valparaiso Nazarene Church (Click to sign up)
- Boxing Nights (November 16 & 17) Valparaiso Nazarene (Click to Sign Up)
- Distribution Days November 21 & 22
Ongoing Events
- Ministry Mondays 6:30-8pm meets to be purposeful in developing our serving skills and to coordinate ministry efforts. All are welcome.
- IV (Intentional Valparaiso) is a small group for post-High School and young adults from all over Northwest Indiana. They meet at Life Bridge on Mondays from 8:30pm-10ish.
- Tuesday Midweek Bible Study Potluck Dinner at 6:30 followed by studies for children, students, and adults! Current study: "Imagine" Deeper
- Faith-Based Cancer Support Group meets 2nd & 4th Wednesdays at Life Bridge 6:30-8pm
- Questions? Bible Study 7pm Bring your questions about God and Faith as you study 1 Thessalonians.
- Worship Arts Bible Study and Band Practice Thursdays 6:30-9pm
- Operation Christmas Child is collecting individually wrapped hard candy. Drop off donations in the bin at the Ministry Counter.
- Winter Coat Drive. We continue to collect winter coats, gloves, scarves, hat, and boots for all ages. Drop them off in the Cafe!
Friday, October 23, 2015
Chili, Papers, and Plans
I’m watching Traci mix up a batch of Cincinnati-style chili. (It’s her own homemade recipe.) This is kind of a pattern in our household. We make a batch of something kind of big and then eat off of it throughout the week. This week, it’s Cincinnati-style chili. Mmmmmmmm. I love it.
Gobble Up Hunger Food Drive October 24th
Tomorrow is the 500 Turkeys Food Drive at Town & Country!
This is much like Feed the Need only it benefits 500 Turkeys instead of the NWI Food Bank. We invite the community to join us in providing items to fill the boxes as they shop. If you are more of a “behind the scenes” person, then there are opportunities to help organize and sort items in the truck as they come in. Truly there is something for everyone!Sign up here to participate: Gobble Up Hunger Food Drive (Oct. 24th) outside Valparaiso Town & Country (Click to sign up)
Laundry Time for the Men's Shelter

While we communicated it was Laundry Time last week, we forgot to prep it! But this week we will truly have bags of laundry available downstairs in the children’s area for pick up. This is our last opportunity this year to serve in this way. Your participation is a blessing to all!
It has been an awesome year with the Men’s Shelter, and we continue to pray for God’s continued work through our brothers and sisters at other churches. Thanks for letting God work through you in this ministry.
Sit and Savor Luncheon November 1st!
Something is always cooking at Life Bridge! Join us for a Sit and Savor Lunch! November 1 for a Salad Bar! Feel free to bring a dish such as these (or cooks choice!)
· Salad toppings / dressing
· Fruit salad
· Any kind of pasta salad
· Coleslaw
Sign up in the Café this weekend! This is a great way to enjoy time with one another and create a welcoming environment for all!
Kairos Jesus Cookie Pick Up Wednesday, November 3rd

Cookies will be picked up Wednesday Nov. 3rd!
Kairos Prison Ministry's Fall Outreaches will be taking place in just a couple of weeks for the Westville Correctional. Here are just a couple ways you can support Kairos' efforts:- Sign up online for a time slot in the prayer vigil for Westville Correctional Center November 5-8, 2015.
- Bake cookies and freeze them. Premeasured flour bags are available at the Ministry Counter while supplies last. (Each weekend service to a prison requires 3500-5000 DOZEN cookies! Special recipe required.)

Kairos Cookie Preparation
Since the cookies will be taken into a prison, there are some very rigid requirements that must be followed. Every cookie is inspected before it is allowed in the facility, and any that are over sized, broken, or stuck together must be removed. These instructions for Kairos cookies are very important!
The No-No's for Kairos Cookie Preparation:
Do Not add icing, powdered sugar or any other topping or coating on the outside.
Do Not use pre-made, dry, refrigerated or frozen cookie dough. The impact of agape love felt from homemade cookies is overwhelming when the inmates realize the sacrifice of time in mixing and baking cookies from scratch.
Do Not use butter or margarine. The ones made with butter break easily.
Do Not bring bought or no-bake cookies. Do Not use raisins or nuts.
The size should be 2" diameter or the lid of a Pringles canister.
PLEASE BAKE ONLY CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES USING THE RECIPE BELOW! (and this recipe will help prevent breakage of the cookies)
Cool! Cool! Cool ... each cookie thoroughly. Chocolate chip cookies tkae a long time to cool completely.
Bag thoroughly cooled cookies in a sandwich sized, press zip type bag. (NO bags with tab sliders) FYI - when you bag the cookies please put them standing on end (like coins in a toll or lifesavers). This makes for easier packing and transporting.
6 Cookies per bag and freeze them.
Jesus Cookies (Basic Cookie Dough Recipe - Makes 5 dozen)
1 cup Crisco
1 cup granulated sugar
2 tsp vanilla
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
1 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
2 3/4 cups flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 1/2 cups chocolate chips
Cream shortening and sugar until fluffy. add eggs one at a time. Sift dry ingredients and add to creamed mixture. Beat in vanilla. Add chocolate chips. Drop onto cookie sheets by spoonfuls. Bake at 325 degrees until medium to dark brown (From 13-20 minutes). Cookies should be 2 - 2 1/2 inches in diameter (Size of a Pringles lid).
The Key Ingredient: Prayer. Pray individually or as a family over the ingredients before and during mixing. Pray over the cookies as you drop them onto the cookie sheets and bake the, Ask God to use your cookies as a source of His love to shine on the prosoners and staff on the Kairos weekend. Pray that each cookie brings the inmate, officer, or warden who eats it closer to God. We want every person to become part of the family of God.
Winter Coat Drive
Ongoing Events
- Ministry Mondays 6:30-8pm meets to be purposeful in developing our serving skills and to coordinate ministry efforts. All are welcome.
- IV (Intentional Valparaiso) is a small group for post-High School and young adults from all over Northwest Indiana. They meet at Life Bridge on Mondays from 8:30pm-10ish.
- Tuesday Midweek Bible Study Potluck Dinner at 6:30 followed by studies for children, students, and adults! Current study: "Imagine" Deeper
- Faith-Based Cancer Support Group meets 2nd & 4th Wednesdays at Life Bridge 6:30-8pm
- Questions? Bible Study 7pm Bring your questions about God and Faith as you study 1 Thessalonians.
- Worship Arts Bible Study and Band Practice Thursdays 6:30-9pm
- Women's Bible Study Thursdays 6:30-7:30pm.
- Men's Shelter Service Opportunity 8pm-7am (Shifts & Breakfast)
- Operation Christmas Child is collecting individually wrapped hard candy. Drop off donations in the bin at the Ministry Counter.
- Winter Coat Drive. We continue to collect winter coats, gloves, scarves, hat, and boots for all ages. Drop them off in the Cafe!