Thursday, June 6, 2013

God is with us when we have cancer.

On May 22nd, a small group of believers met at the Life Bridge Cafe to discuss how our faith and cancer has impacted our lives.  We shared scripture and divided into groups -- those of us who have or have had cancer, and those of us who care for someone who has or has had cancer.   Confidentiality is promised and expected in return.

Cancer is a disease that isolates us from others.  Our friends often silently drift away because they want to fix our problem and feel awkward because they know they can't.  It is easy to feel overwhelmed by our disease and, ironically, we can't share how we feel with those we are closest to because they are overwhelmed, as well.

When cancer patients meet together and when caregivers meet together, they are able to share with each other their common experiences and emotions.  It helps us to feel better when we learn that others have been where we are and were able to deal with the same thing.

Paul said, "Bear one another's burdens and in that way, fulfill the law of Christ." (Galatians 6:2).  That's what we hope to do in the Cancer Groups.

Our next meeting is June 12th at 7 p.m.  If cancer has impacted your life, we would like you to join us.

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