Friday, September 4, 2015

Fall Cleaning

This morning I am moving furniture around at home.  We're in sort of a "fall cleaning" mode right now.  It was initiated because of all the building changes that are taking place at Life Bridge and spurred on by Amanda going back to school and my mom coming to visit.  So, I am moving furniture, because the carpets are only half clean and the carpet cleaning rental needs to be returned by 3:00 this afternoon.

While we are going through this process of moving furniture, dusting, vacuuming, and carpet cleaning, I find myself thinking about the last couple years...

Every pile of things that must be sorted through bring back memories of family time together, people who have been here, and ministries that have occurred.  Life, and ministry for that matter, is a journey that just keeps moving forward.  The further I get in the journey, the more I appreciate the wisdom of the Israelites in their journeys.  They would often times make a pile of rocks or dig a well to remember something significant that God did in their lives.  I like remembering significant moments as well.

As I prepare for my next week at school (September 14-18), God has me looking back at the journey we've had together so far.  He has me remembering many of the blessings and the challenges along the way.  He also has me looking forward to where He is taking us next - and I get excited at the view.  God is preparing us for a great season of ministry.  I look forward to serving by your side.

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