Friday, October 23, 2015

Gobble Up Hunger Food Drive October 24th


Tomorrow is the 500 Turkeys Food Drive at Town & Country!

This is much like Feed the Need only it benefits 500 Turkeys instead of the NWI Food Bank.  We invite the community to join us in providing items to fill the boxes as they shop.  If you are more of a “behind the scenes” person, then there are opportunities to help organize and sort items in the truck as they come in.  Truly there is something for everyone!
Sign up here to participate: Gobble Up Hunger Food Drive (Oct. 24th) outside Valparaiso Town & Country (Click to sign up)


Nominations for the 1000 Turkey dinners, complete with all the trimmings, are available online.  If you or someone you know is in need and would be blessed by a meal, simply sign up at this link:


Life Bridge is continuing to collect canned carrots.  Simply drop them off at the Ministry Counter.

Other opportunities to participate with 500 Turkeys:

There are many opportunities to participate in making the mission of 500 Turkeys successful:

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