Fight Club
Friday, Aug 7th 10pm - TONIGHT!
Valparaiso Nazarine Church
2702 Glendatle Blvd.
Valparaiso, IN 46383
An advertisement for an event is good, but what is better is someone's personal story. So here is the personal story of Life Bridgian and Fight Club Member, Scott Feeler:
"For years, I didn't realize my true roles as a father, husband and man of God. A lot of my time outside work was spent watching TV and playing video games. Weekends became my only “real” life with God, family or friends and any thoughts to improve on that were usually stored away as “I’ll figure it out later" or "It's not that important." Isolation doesn't alway mean alone. There came a point when I realized that my life was never going to improve without a change and I was never going to do it without some kind of challenge. I didn't know at the time, but I needed to stand up and fight for what I believe in. I needed to know about and live out the roles God intended for me."
"For years, I didn't realize my true roles as a father, husband and man of God. A lot of my time outside work was spent watching TV and playing video games. Weekends became my only “real” life with God, family or friends and any thoughts to improve on that were usually stored away as “I’ll figure it out later" or "It's not that important." Isolation doesn't alway mean alone. There came a point when I realized that my life was never going to improve without a change and I was never going to do it without some kind of challenge. I didn't know at the time, but I needed to stand up and fight for what I believe in. I needed to know about and live out the roles God intended for me."
"'Fight Club' was the ministry that pushed me into action and showed me a way to live intentionally. I joined for the challenge it presented, and found the discipline practices conditioned me to deal with the struggles I face everyday. I believe “Fight Club” gave me tools to renew and strengthen my role as a father, a husband, and it connected me with other brothers in Christ facing the same battles. I encourage other men that feel led to take on this journey to challenge themselves to live on purpose! To live as the man God designed us to be!"
Fight Club is a regional ministry to men. All men are welcome to attend this informational event: A 12 week challenge designed to make men better husbands, fathers, friends, workers, and men! Talk to Alan Mayernik or Scott Feeler for more information.
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